Event Promotion Checklist

When planning an upcoming event or workshop, please allow at least four weeks of lead time before the event to prepare promotional and registration resources.

Remember that attendees are from varied religious and cultural backgrounds. Any event scheduled on a major religious or cultural holiday can send a message of insensitivity or exclusivity to those who cannot participate that day due to their religious beliefs. Please avoid scheduling events on such dates whenever possible.

All informational pages, websites, registrations, and calendar listings should be completed prior to sending out a media release.

To effectively promote your next event follow these steps,

  1. Create an information web page.
  2. Create an online registration form.
  3. Submit your event to the UMaine Calendar.
  4. Write a media release.

Remember, the Extension Communications and Marketing Team, extension.communications@maine.edu, is always available for questions.

1. Create an information web page.

You or your administrative support person can create an information web page in the CMS or contact extension.communications@maine.edu to have the team create one for you. Be thoughtful about where the page will be located on your website since the location will determine the URL. This URL is the one you should include in your promotional materials and the media release for the event. Be sure to include the following information on your page:

  • why the client should care about the event (what’s in it for them)
  • location, date, time, cost
  • how to register; include a link to the online registration form (see #2 below)
  • contact info and accommodation statement (ADA Notice)
  • other: driving directions, sponsors, image(s), agenda, etc. (Avoid adding these items as PDFs. Our clients on mobile devices will thank you!)

2. Create an online registration form.

Contact the Communications and Marketing team (extension.communications@maine.edu) to set up an online registration at Workshops, Classes, & Events at least 4 weeks before the event. Our standard online registration should be used for free events as well as those that require payment. Payment options include Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, debit card, or if the client prefers to pay by check, there is an electronic check option. Extension has aligned its financial practices with those of the University of Maine System, keeping transactions more secure than ever. Please discontinue the old option of filling out a paper form and mailing it in with a check.

Please simplify and thoroughly test forms before registration goes live. The more user-friendly the registration, the more likely the customer will have a positive experience and a successful registration.

If you plan on using any photos taken during your event, you will need to have signed photo releases. A photo release is required for all individuals in the photos. It is the responsibility of the event-based staff to have these forms completed and on file for all mediums used prior to production of (video, photo, etc.) and available as needed for proper documentation.

The best time to collect photo releases is prior to or at the start of the event when you’re collecting the civil rights data from participants.

3. Submit your event to the UMaine Calendar.

Go to Submit an Event to submit your event. If you need help adding or updating an event, contact Tara Wood at tara.a.wood@maine.edu. More than 2,500 people a week visit the UMaine Calendar! All calendar events are automatically submitted to Google and will show up in Google search results. Submitting to the calendar will help the public know what’s happening in your county and at Extension!

4. Write a media release.

Note: The media release is the last step in the promotion of an event and should be submitted for review no later than two weeks prior to the event; a four-week lead time is ideal. All registrations, websites, and calendar updates need to be completed prior to sending out a release.

To develop a media release, use the media release template to create your draft. Then work with the Communications and Marketing Team who will review the release and distribute to appropriate outlets. The release will appear on Extension’s newsfeed on the homepage and, depending on the content and audience, it may also go to UMaine News. You can also post the approved media release on your program or county Events page, being sure to include a link back to your information web page.

Remember, the Extension Communications and Marketing Team (extension.communications@maine.edu) is always available for questions.