Author: angelahart

Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes May 10, 2018

Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes Thursday, May 10, 2018 Orono – 102B Libby Hall Facilitator: Dennis Harrington Note-taker: Richard Brzozowski Present: John Rebar, Lisa Phelps, Jon Prichard, Dennis Harrington, Fran Sulinski, and Richard Brzozowski Gayle Zydlewski, incoming Director of Maine Sea Grant, attended as a guest at 10:30 am. The ELT members met with Gayle […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes March 28, 2018

Extension Leadership Team Minutes March 28, 2018 Orono – 102B Libby Hall Facilitator: John Rebar Note-taker: Jon Prichard University of Maine Diagnostic & Research Laboratory The grand opening and ribbon cutting for the University of Maine Diagnostic & Research Laboratory is scheduled for 1:00 pm on Thursday, June 21, 2018.  The laboratory was formerly referred […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes March 5, 2018

Extension Leadership Team Minutes March 5, 2018 102B Libby Hall Facilitator: Fran Sulinski Note-taker: John Rebar General Updates: Lisa attended the National 4-H Program Leaders meeting in Las Vegas last week. 4-H Animal Science Committee Meeting was held on Saturday, March 3. The ELT thanks the many staff with 4-H responsibilities that attended to work […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes February 8, 2018

Extension Leadership Team Minutes February 8, 2018 Via Zoom Platform due to weather conditions Facilitator: Lisa Phelps Note-taker: Fran Sulinski Check-in Items/Announcements: Rural Information Center will assist those seeking grants.  If you are seeking funding sources for a specific need, you can contact them directly.  email:  phone: 1-800-633-7701 The National Agribility Conference (also known as […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes January 19, 2018

Extension Leadership Team Minutes January 19, 2018 122 Libby Hall – Orono Facilitator: Richard Brzozowski Note-taker: Fran Sulinski Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content of each meeting. The 2018 Agricultural Trade Show Thank you to the many Extension staff who […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes December 12, 2017

Extension Leadership Team Minutes December 12, 2017 102B Libby Hall – Orono Facilitator: Dennis Harrington Note-taker: Richard Brzozowski Opioid Webinar Link Sent This past week, John Rebar sent the link to all staff regarding the recent webinar on the Opioid Crisis and Extension’s potential role. Fair Labor Standards Act There are 2 Extension employees for […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes November 16, 2017

Extension Leadership Team Minutes November 16, 2017 Orono – 102B Libby Hall Facilitator: Jon Prichard Note-taker: Dennis Harrington Attending: D. Brzozowski, D. Harrington, L. Phelps, J. Prichard, J. Rebar, F. Sulinski Guest: Kate Yerxa Professional Staff Meeting John and Fran gave an update about the recent Professional’s staff meeting. The meeting was well attended, and […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes October 26, 2017

Extension Leadership Team Minutes October 26, 2017 102B Libby Hall, Orono Facilitator: John Rebar Note-taker: Jon Prichard Chancellor’s Open Forum The ELT meeting was shortened so ELT members could attend the afternoon Open Forum by Chancellor James Page and his Leadership Team. The Chancellor and his senior leadership provided updates to the campus on the University of Maine […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes September 28, 2017

Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes, Farmhouse, UM – Augusta September 28, 2017 Facilitator: Lisa Phelps Note Taker: John Rebar Attendees: Dennis Harrington, Fran Sulinski, Richard Brzozowski, Jon Prichard, Lisa Phelps, John Rebar Items of Interest The new UMS-Human Resources partner for Extension is Brian Drisko.  Brian is asking to meet with the ELT to gain […]

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Extension Leadership Team Minutes September 7, 2017

Extension Leadership Team Minutes Libby Hall Room 102B September 7, 2017 Facilitator: Fran Sulinski Note-taker: Lisa Phelps Present: John Rebar, Dennis Harrington, Fran Sulinski, Dick Brzozowski, Jon Prichard, Lisa Phelps Updates: Hall of Flags will be February 6, 2018- Cooperative Extension will have three 4-H and three Food Systems displays with a general Cooperative Extension display. […]

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