Extension Roadmap Steering Committee

Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Agenda, April 13, 2022

Wednesday, 1:00-2:30 p.m. Updates since our last meeting in February and to date Faculty retirements Vacancies/staffing Thoughts around rapid assessments for critical needs Needs assessment – Internal for Extension organization Culture – current reality vs. aspirational? UF example for faculty – Herzberg factors? Separate Assessment for different groups (questions specific to hourly, professionals, faculty, admin) […]

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Extension Steering Committee Meeting Notes, February 28, 2022

The February 28 Extension Roadmap Steering Committee meeting focused on our Extension needs assessment and a special guest, Dr. Lauri M. Baker, UF|IFAS, University of Florida, Center for Public Issues Education, discussed the process, answered questions, and assisted us in beginning to think about what this will look like for our organization. Both the recording […]

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Agenda, February 28, 2022

Monday, February 28, 2022, 10:00 a.m. The agenda for this month’s Extension Roadmap Steering Committee meeting will be focused on our Extension needs assessment and I have a special guest coming in to discuss the process, answer questions and help us to begin thinking about what this will look like for our organization. — Dean […]

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Extension Steering Committee Meeting Notes, January 11, 2022

Present:  H. Carter, A. Smart, J. Bolton, K. Yerxa, L. Wilson, M. Snowden, D. Harrington, L. Phelps, M. Glatter, T. Tilton, T. Jackson, B. Foster, R. Machado Not Present: R. Scott, S. Baez, M. Bailey Recap the December “Lunch and Learn” which was focused on the work of this committee. Review “Artifacts/Assumptions” document (also available […]

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Agenda, January 11, 2022

2:00-3:30 p.m. Members of the Extension Roadmap Steering Committee may find the documents from December 14, 2021, listed below (in bold), in their inbox in an email from Dean Hannah Carter, dated January 10, 2022. Recap the December “Lunch and Learn” which was focused on the work of this committee. Review the “Artifacts/Assumptions” document and begin […]

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Meeting Notes, December 14, 2021

Present:  H. Carter, A. Smart, J. Bolton, K. Yerxa, L. Wilson, M. Snowden, D. Harrington, L. Phelps, M. Glatter, R. Scott, T. Tilton, T. Jackson, S. Baez, B. Foster, J. Prichard, F. Sulinski Not Present: M. Bailey, R. Machado The committee recapped the November meeting for those who were not in attendance.  There was also […]

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Meeting Notes, November 9, 2021

Present: H. Carter, A. Smart, J. Bolton, K. Yerxa, L. Wilson, M. Snowden, D. Harrington, L. Phelps, M. Glatter, R. Machado, T. Jackson, S. Baez, B. Foster Not Present: M. Bailey, R. Scott, T. Tilton, The committee has discussed the 45 recommendations that the five theme committees developed and reported on during the March organizational […]

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Agenda, December 14, 2021

Agenda Monday, December 14, 2021, 10:00 to 11:30 p.m., Zoom Facilitator: Hannah Carter Notetaker: Hannah Carter Welcome, recap and review of November meeting notes Discussion about new leadership structure and intersections with combined recommendations Discussion about organizational culture Initial discussion around organizational needs assessment (the focus of February meeting) December’s “Lunch and Learn” – plan […]

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Agenda, October 4, 2021

The agenda for Monday, October 4, 2021, 11:00 a.m. will be as follows: Recap the process for Theme Committee Recommendations review. Discuss “Combined Recommendations” and determine short/medium/long term priorities. Discuss the timeline of the Steering Committee and the next steps in this process. Other thoughts/items to consider

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Extension Roadmap Steering Committee Meeting Notes, September 16, 2021

Present:  H. Carter, A. Smart, J. Bolton, K. Yerxa, L. Wilson, M. Snowden, D. Harrington, L. Phelps, B. Foster, M. Glatter, R. Machado, R. Scott Not Present:  M. Bailey, S. Baez., T. Tilton, T. Jackson The committee continued to discuss the recommendations found in “Successful Communications and Marketing”.  The committee began the process of discussing […]

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