Maine Bicentennial Community Cookbook (Second Edition, 2022) Recipe Contest

"Food from Home" Recipe Contest — for UMaine Extension Staff

icon graphic for Food from Home Recipe Contest 2021

‘Food from Home’ is a new recipe contest, open to all UMaine Extension staff, looking for recipes of favorite homemade foods with roots in family heritage or personal connection. This contest is also about ‘food without borders’.  No matter where home is or was, whether a multigenerational homeplace or a place that simply feels like home, that is the inspiration for food from home.

The winning recipe, chosen at random after all submissions are reviewed by members of our food team, will be submitted for inclusion in the second edition of the Maine Community Cookbook. Publication is expected in 2022. According to the publisher:

“The Maine Bicentennial Community Cookbook celebrates Maine’s rich culinary traditions — old and new — exploring indigenous foodways, hearty Yankee cuisine, community cookbook classics, and favorite dishes of new Mainers.”

October 12, 2021: The ‘Food from Home’  Recipe Contest is Now Closed.
Winning submission to be announced soon!

Check Out the Winning Recipe and Other UMaine Extension Staff Recipes Submitted!

The mission of the University of Maine Cooperative Extension is to help Maine people improve their lives through an educational process that uses research-based knowledge focused on issues and needs.