2023 Revised SCEH Bylaws
Somerset County Extension Homemakers Council
Article One – NAME: The name of this organization shall be the Somerset County Extension Homemakers Council. It is a non-profit working unit. Any funds received by this working unit for carrying out its purposes shall not accrue to the benefit of any individual member.
Article Two – OBJECT: The object of this organization shall be to develop leadership and to promote Extension work among families in all parts of central Maine. The Somerset County Extension Homemakers Council is an integral part of the Maine Extension Homemakers Council.
Article Three – MEMBERSHIP: Anyone in central Maine shall be eligible for membership.
Article Four – DUES: The annual dues of Somerset County Extension Homemakers Council shall be paid to the county treasurer on or before November 1st. The amount will be determined each year at the Annual Meeting.
The county treasurer shall remit dues per member as well as the county’s assessment to the MEHC by December 15th of each year.
Membership Categories are as follows:
- Members belonging to local groups within a county organization: regular members ($3.50)
- Members without a local group within a county organization: independent members ($5.50)
- Members without any connection to a county organization: members at large ($5.50)
- Members with sixty (60) or more years of membership in MEHC: lifetime members
Dues for members-at-large will be $5.50 annually, paid to MEHC Treasurer by December 15th.
Dues for lifetime members will be waived by MEHC.
Article Five – OFFICERS: The officers of Somerset County Extension Homemakers Council shall be a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer. The terms of office shall be for three (3) years starting in January. Officers will not be elected to one particular office for more than two consecutive terms, which is six years. The job of secretary and treasurer may be combined.
The officers shall be elected at the annual meeting. An “acting” officer may be appointed by the president with the approval of the Advisory Board.
The president or a representative shall preside at all meetings.
There shall be an Annual Meeting which shall be open to the public. A Nominating Committee for any officers or project chairpersons needed shall be appointed by the president.
Article Six – ADVISORY BOARD: Voting members of the Advisory Board shall be the elected officers of the Somerset County Extension Homemakers Council, project chairpersons, the president and one representative from each group and the past presidents of SCEHC.
Project chairpersons shall be elected at the Annual Meeting. Term of office shall be for three years. County Project Chairpersons will not serve more than two consecutive terms (six years) in that particular office, but can serve on the Advisory Board in another capacity. A county Extension Educator shall be a member of the Advisory Board. The president of Somerset County Extension Association shall be an ex officio member of the Advisory Board.
Sub-committees may be appointed by the president with the approval of the Advisory Board.
Article Seven – QUORUM: A majority of the members of the Advisory Board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of any business. A majority vote of those present shall decide any question unless as otherwise expressly provided for in these bylaws.
Article Eight – Program of Work: The program of work shall be determined by the needs of the people in central Maine, the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Plan of Work and by the Maine Extension Homemakers Council.
Article Nine – FINANCES: The SCEHC’s president or vice president or a representative shall attend the Spring and Fall MEHC meetings and the county will provide funds for one half (1/2) the expenses.
Article Ten – BYLAWS: Copies of the bylaws must be held in reference by both the president and secretary of all groups. A copy of these bylaws shall be on file at the Somerset County Extension Office and be available to anyone.
Article Eleven – AMENDMENTS: These bylaws may be altered or amended by a 2/3 vote of those present at the Annual County Meeting. Or they may be amended at a special meeting called by the SCEHC President on request of the advisory board. Notice of all proposed changes shall have been sent in writing to all local presidents one month in advance of the meeting.
- These Bylaws adopted October 15, 1976
- Revision made at this meeting were incorporated into the Bylaws, November 1977
- Revisions made at Spring meeting were incorporated in the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at Spring Meeting 1985 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at Spring meeting 1989 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at Spring meeting 1993 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at Spring meeting 1995 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at Spring meeting 1999 were incorporated into the Bylaws
- Revisions made at Spring meeting 2002 were incorporated into the Bylaws
- Revisions made at Annual Meeting 2006 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at Annual Meeting 2012 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
- Revisions made at August Advisory Meeting 2023 were incorporated into the Bylaws.
For More Information, Please Contact:
Somerset County Extension Homemakers (SCEH)
Phone: 207.474.9622 or 800.287.1495 (in Maine)
Email: extension.somerset@maine.edu
Office Hours:
Weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.