2017 October

Wednesday, October 10, 2017


Present: Katy G., Anne W. (Now Anne D.) Eric R., Ken C., Samara S., Sam M., Mathew M., David M., Jodie M., Viña L., Anne R., and Rick K.

Rick provided the May meeting minutes Jaco recorded. Eric motioned to approve, with Dave 2nd. All in favor

The time for the next meeting was discussed with everyone agreeing to start at 5:30 instead of 5:00pm to allow more people to easily attend.

A note from Abigail Smith of Troy was distributed. It was a thank you letter for helping to fund her trip to Washington DC as part of 4-H Washington Citizen Focus.

The budget report was quickly discussed and motioned to approve from Dave and seconded by Eric. All were in favor.

Rick presented a PPT about activities this past summer.

Viña initiated a discussion about her changing role in her Food Corps responsibilities that will transition her out of the leadership role she now holds. This transition will occur next summer, but she is asking the Executive Committee for input in to what her programming priorities should be.

Viña has estimated that she spends about 75% of her time as Food Corps leadership right now. It has been very impactful with the program reaching between 8-9,000 students. Other potential areas she could spend additional time are food safety, 4-H support, and initiatives such as Farm to School Programs and the school garden Network. A brief discussion occurred about more local foods in schools and other potential initiatives

Rick will dig up Viña’s initial job description and distribute to the committee before the next meeting.

David began the discussion about a “growers potluck” for 2018, an initiative he began last year. The group discussed opening up the invitees to all growers (veg and livestock), shrinking the time (5:30-7), holding it in late January or early February, and potentially holding it in Belfast at the United Farmers Market location. There were some suggestions for having a speaker to talk about trends in local foods. Anne, Samara and Dave agreed to be the planning committee. Theresa may also get involved. Rick will think about possible speakers.

Other initiatives that were discussed for the committee to get involved with:

  • Dave wants to visit the plastic recycling issue again.
  • Ann is interested in looking at ways to do an equipment share directory

Rural Living Day was briefly discussed

  • Rick will work to check on possible dates … April 7th was put out as a possible option
  • Eric asked if the Rurallivingday.ME was a useful way for people to get to registration? Rick will check with Sonia to see if people were directed to the registration that way. Eric volunteered to register the domain name again for 2018 if it was effective.

Next meeting will be Nov 14th at 5:30 PM.

Submitted by Rick filling in for MaryAnn.