Leading Groups Can Be Easy! Training Series to be Offered in Machias

Have you ever been in a group and then were asked to lead it—and produce results?  People get frustrated and discouraged when groups aren’t effective. And more and more, we are asked to team up to get things done on the job, in our towns, for schools and in our communities. Is this easy?  Not always!

Strengthening Your Facilitation Skills, Level 1, is a Training Series designed to help local citizens learn how to get work done more effectively and efficiently in group meetings. The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is offering the Training Series, which starts October 18. Pre-registration by late September is desired.

This Training Series will help you learn and practice facilitation skills in an experiential setting. You’ll also get a chance to observe facilitation challenges and receive feedback in a safe environment. To date, more than 300 people from Maine have been trained.

Facilitation Skills is offered Thursday mornings at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 28 Center St, Machias ME 04654 from 9:30am – 1:30 pm starting October 18 and continuing on November 1, 15, 29 and December 13.  The cost to participate in the Training Series is $130, which includes a resource notebook and an option to buy a resource text.  Limited scholarship assistance is available.

Workshop size is limited to the first 15 participants who pre-register. For more information, visit http://umaine.edu/ext-community/strengthening-your-facilitation-skills/ or call the Machias County Extension Office at 1-800-287-1542. Strengthening Your Facilitation Skills, Level 1, now a nationally published and used curriculum, was originally developed by Jane Haskell, Gabe McPhail and Louise Franck Cyr and produced by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension. If you are a person with a disability and will need accommodations to participate, please alert the staff to assure fullest possible attention to your needs.