School Garden 101 Training to Begin in March at Milbridge Elementary School

School Garden 101 is a course for school staff (teachers, aides, cooks, health coordinators, etc.) who wish to create a school garden and tie it to classrooms and the cafeteria. In multiple sessions, participants learn basic gardening skills, think through and document a school garden plan, and initiate their school garden. Each session focuses on a gardening subject (composting, soil health, growing seedlings, garden planning, insects/ diseases) and provides time and tools for school teams to plan and network with others.

This session is being held at the Milbridge Elementary School on Mondays, March 11, 18, and 25th from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.  The cost of the course is $30.00.  Registration deadline is Wednesday, February 20th.  To register, please complete the registration form- School Garden 101 Registration Form- 2013 and return along with the course fee to University of Maine Cooperative Extension, 28 Center Street, Machias, ME 04654.

For questions, please contact the University of Maine Cooperative Extension office at 1-800-287-1542 or email