Maine 4-H grows through volunteers

University of Maine Cooperative Extension 4-H in Washington County is looking for adults who have a talent or interest that they are willing to share with young people.
Planning is underway for 4-H special interest (SPIN) clubs that will begin in the next three to six months. SPIN clubs consist of four to eight youth, ages 9-18, who learn about a specific topic of interest, such as nature, woodworking, robotics, photography, gardening, math or beekeeping.
A 4-H SPIN club meets for six sessions, each lasting one to two hours. Meeting dates, time and location are set by the volunteer.
“What’s great about a 4-H SPIN club is that it is planned around the volunteer’s availability,” says UMaine Extension educator Jen Lobley. “We know people are busy and we know it is hard to commit to something long term.”
To learn more about how to become a 4-H SPIN club volunteer, attend one of several free information sessions or a virtual session. Register online or contact the UMaine Extension Washington County office, 207.255.3345, 800.287.1542 (toll-free in Maine), for more information or to request a disability accommodation.