Dining with Diabetes Down East in Cherryfield Oct. 3–24
Cherryfield, Maine—University of Maine Cooperative Extension will offer a free, four-week Dining with Diabetes Down East series beginning Thursday, Oct. 3, from 3–5 p.m., at Maine Seacoast Mission Weald Bethel Community Center, 7 Weald Bethel Lane, Cherryfield. Remaining dates are Oct.10, 17 and 24.
The program complements medical care by teaching people with Type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, along with their family members and caregivers, what they can do to help control blood sugar, blood pressure and cholesterol. UMaine Extension registered dietitian and nutritionist Alan Majka will provide presentations, lead discussions and demonstrate preparation of nutritious recipes that participants can sample.
This free class is limited to 20 participants; pre-registration is required. Register online. For more information or to request a reasonable accommodation, contact Tara Wood, tara.a.wood@maine.edu, 207.255.3345; 800.287.1542 (Maine only). Food and supplies for this program are provided with support from Hannaford Supermarkets.
About University of Maine Cooperative Extension: As a trusted resource for over 100 years, University of Maine Cooperative Extension has supported UMaine’s land and sea grant public education role by conducting community-driven, research-based programs in every Maine county. UMaine Extension helps support, sustain and grow the food-based economy. It is the only entity in our state that touches every aspect of the Maine Food System, where policy, research, production, processing, commerce, nutrition, and food security and safety are integral and interrelated. UMaine Extension also conducts the most successful out-of-school youth educational program in Maine through 4-H.