WCEA Meeting Minutes – April 2024

WCEA Committee Meeting
25 April 2024

Present: Nick MacDonald, Eric Jones (recorder), Jen Lobley, Robin Pinto, Kyle Winslow, Cathy Lookabaugh, Pam Dyer ,Rachel White, Inez Lombardo, Heidi Hinkley, Lisa Hanscom

Welcome to guests Cathy and Inez and our guest Pam
Pam Dyer: WHRL’s Incredible Edible Milbridge (IEM) Program:
Incredible Edible brought to the US from England
Started with planting small raised beds around Milbridge in 2013 – free for everyone to pick from
They were offered a large space in town (by the Red Barn Motel) 2014/2015
Word of mouth spread and people picked produce
Infrastructure expanded to include a stand, bilingual signage, some items donated by Home Depot
Approached MCHT in 2015 about another property – developed it into Milbridge Commons, includes gardens and a children’s garden and a pollinator garden
During COVID a private donor gave money to build a playground that includes a small, free library, play kitchen, and shade space
They have also acquired a greenhouse which they are learning to use
They are now conducting free community gardening workshops ~6 times/year – the gardening curriculum is now in the schools (all grades)
Volunteers are the foundation of what they are able to do on every level – for gardening work and for connecting with community members
They’ve since planted an orchard (peaches and apples)
They’ve since set up irrigation systems
They’re goal is to create a welcoming space at the commons. The walking paths get used as does the playground. Partnerships continue to grow (MCHT, Mano en Mano, public library, Healthy Acadia, etc.). It is a kindness project and a public service project.
Future plans include deepening their connection with the schools
They have 3 part time paid workers each season
What’s planted each year depends on what gets picked the previous year
Everyone is invited to come see the gardens
They do work with Master Gardners – Nick will connect Pam with Deb Gardner
 The commons allowed folks to gather during the pandemic

Treasurer’s Report – Eric
Moved to accept by Kyle, seconded by Robin: all in favor
Secretary’s report – Ed, not present today
Moved to accept by Eric, seconded by Robin, all in favor
Proposed budget:

Program Support $2,500.00
Secretarial Salaries $28,000.00 (with grant support explanation)
Supplies/Equipment $2,000.00
Total $32,500.00

Slight decrease in secretarial salary – paid for by a grant (from the 4H Oh Yeah!, ~$10,000), allowing us to reduce our request to the county
There’s a slight increase in program support to support an increase in programs offered in Washington County
No vote required at this time, that is reserved for the annual meeting

Annual Meeting Update:
Still working on final details from Angie’s Kitchen – we’re likely to have our requested lunch
The Norm Duzen Awardee is Christopher Crowley of Beals – Tara has ordered the award
The presenter is going to be Heidi Hinkley

 2 Pen Award Winners are: Leslie Monroy and Pam Ziolka – Kyle will
present both
Robin will get the MDF board next week
Committee members and guests will need to register for the meal by May 3, ct

New officers:
Robin is willing to serve as Vice President
The treasurer’s role will be vacant

Heidi’s willing to serve as secretary, perhaps Ed might give that role up and take on the treasurer’s role?

New member recruitment:
Inez is considering joining us
Interested parties would be invited to a brief (30 min.) orientation between
now and the annual meeting
Committee members are encouraged to continue to try to recruit between now and the annual meeting – Nick and Jen are happy to meet with folks who are interested

Meeting adjourned at 7:28 pm