WCEA Meeting Minutes- Annual Meeting 2021


Annual Meeting with Public


Members in attendance: 

Jen Lobley, Kyle Winslow, Bob Simpson, Ed Latham, Brittany Foster, Eric Jones and 21others from staff and public


Notes from Meeting:



Proposed Budget reviewed by Bob Voted on by all in attendance. Approve 92% Abstain 8%


Updates in By-Laws presented by Kyle. voted on my all in attendance 

First Amendment change: Vote by public 87% approve 13% abstain

Second Amendment change: Vote by public   80% approve  20% abstain


New Member Leslie Monroy introduced as well as thank you to Danielle Daly and Penni Theriault for their service.


Slate of Officers presented and voted for approval:   80% approve   20 % abstain


Video shared “A Year At A Distance” Video will be shared on website.


Connected with Hannah Carter who shared thanks to the staff, volunteers, board members and association for all the support. Highlighted upcoming 4h county changes coming up this next year. 


Norm Duzen award presented to Joe Piscadlo from the Lubec Food Pantry 


Presentation of 4-H Foundation scholarship to Forest Perkins


Presentation of Jeremy Strater scholarship to Samuel Perkins


Rob Fournier from Greenland Point Camp shared program report


Thank you to Rita Stephenson


Drawing for Helen’s Restaurant Gift Card goes to Eleody Libby