WCEA Meeting Minutes – February 2023

February 14, 2023

Present: Eric Jones (recorder), Jen Lobley, Kyle Winslow, Lisa Hanscom, Nicholas MacDonald, Gabby Brodek, Leslie Monroy


Secretaries Report: Need to include Leslie Monroy as attending our last meeting

Moved by Eric

Seconded Lisa

4 votes in favor


Treasurer’s Report: Reports for December 2022 and January 2023 presented as prepared with gratitude to Tara for preparing the reports

Eric will work with Tara to get clarity on building funds and what restrictions may encumber their use.


December Report

Moved by Nicholas

Seconded Lisa

Unanimously approved


January Report

Moved by Nicholas

Seconded Lisa

Unanimously approved


Staff Report:

Approval of a 5 year grant ($6.5 million) to connect ME and VT youth through food systems and civic engagement including partnership with Mano en Mano and includes funds to hire professionals for the project. 

Projected to start May 2023 through 2028


Vice President Vacancy:

It was discussed that we will not fill that vacancy at this time and wait to fill that position, along with the president position in May.  Nominations will need to be made for those positions at our March or April meeting.


Revised 2023 Budget Discussion

Readjusted 2023 WCEA Budget
Postage $100.00
Program Support $1,000.00
Secretarial Salaries $30,000.00
Supplies/Equipment $1,700.00

Total $32,800.00

Moved by Kyle

Seconded Eric

Approved unanimously


April meeting change

Kyle and Nicholas will send around a Doodle Poll to find a time to meet in April, our last meeting before the annual meeting.


Bylaw updates

Discussion about revising the bylaws to allow the executive committee to be able to remove a committee member with just cause by majority vote. 

Kyle will compose a proposed change to the bylaws to share with the committee for approval.  They will need to be approved at the annual meeting.


Recruitment Discussion

Jen shared a revised orientation process that includes orientation (March) prior to being a guest at a meeting (April), prior to formally joining the committee (May).

Committee members shared suggestions for potential new members.


Committee members were assigned potential members to reach out to, indicated in the spreadsheet Kyle created (linked HERE)

Jen will send out material, suggestions for recruitment


Annual meeting details, coordination with UMM.  Reached out to Sodexo for a quote for catering to be paid for out of the Jeremy Strater funds.

Moved by Nicholas

Seconded by Eric



Update on new positions

FNEP Position search failed

See email from Jen re. discussion about faculty positions – committee members are encouraged to attend the Zoom meeting.


Adjourned at 7:54