WCEA Meeting Minutes- January 2021

WCEA meeting minutes-19 Jan 2021

In attendance: Eric Jones (recording), Bob Simpson, Jen Lobley, Kyle Winslow, Ed Latham, Alex Gayton

Meeting called to order at 18:05


Treasurer’s report:

            Operating statement, balance sheet, etc. provided.

            Balance sheet through 31 Dec, Last year’s appropriation $40,000; expect our 2021 appropriation as soon as the county personnel are in their offices again.  Bob moved some funds into the operating account from savings, will be replaced when we get our appropriation.  Funds for technology ($11,500) from U Maine were deducted from the monies owed to U Maine.  Secretarial salary bill was for 18 months most recently.  Many thanks to Tara for her help collating that information.

            Treasurer’s report accepted unanimously (Ed moved, Eric seconded)


Minutes from 20 Oct. 2020 accepted unanimously (moved by Bob, seconded by Kyle)


Staff reports:

            Alex reported that they’ve been approved to pre-record videos for their outreach efforts and they’re making progress on that.

Bob asked about sending out thank you notes as noted in our last meeting.  That hasn’t happened yet but Kyle will meet with Jen to work on that.

Staff have been remarkable keeping the various programs going and the board expressed their thanks for those efforts. 


Authorized signatory’s resolution sent by Bob 

This is for Kyle and Bob to be able to manage the account.  This would allow Bob or Kyle to sign checks, manage accounts, and possibly engage in online banking.  Bob will send the forms to Dannie because she needs to sign them, then to Kyle for his signatures and back to Bob to file them with the bank.

            Moved by Bob, seconded by Eric, approved unanimously

Kyle noted that it should be included in the bylaws to ensure that any incoming treasurer/president fill out the paperwork on this upon entering those respective offices.


Bylaws regarding spending amount for WCEA activities that require executive committee approval 

            Things that are budgeted don’t require approval beyond approval of the budget itself.

            Unexpected expenses require some oversight.

            Perhaps setting the cut off amount as a percentage of the total budget?

            Setting the limit by percentage might be troublesome for people working out of portions of the total budget.

            The suggestion was made to set the limit at $500 pending approval by a quorum of the executive committee that must include the president and treasurer.

            Kyle will work on language for this to bring to the next meeting


Support salary credit

            Staff report that the color printer might need to be replaced

            There was a request made for a number of iPads to be used on location

            There’s a need for a portable printer for folks working from home

            Other technology needs include a new computer for Deb, who we share with the center for aging.  Jen has suggested Deb ask the center for aging about replacing her computer, sharing the cost with WCEA, or giving Deb Tara’s current machine and replacing Tara’s computer.

            Jen will survey the staff to determine their needs and get back to us with that information. 


Norm Duzen award update

            Tara has posted an announcement about it (see email from 6 Jan 2021)

            The deadline for Duzen award recommendations 5 March 2021

            Thanks to Tara for making sure that got posted


Committee membership

            Eric ends in Spring 2021 – will take on another term

            Kyle ends in Spring 2021 – will take on another term

            Bob’s first term ends in Spring 2021

            Danni’s first term ends in Spring 2021

            Penni’s first term ends in Spring 2021

Kyle will reach out to Penni and Danni


Jen asked us to think more about recruitment, trying to focus on diversity (geographic, expertise, culture, gender, etc.)