WCEA Meeting Minutes – January 2024

WCEA meeting minutes 1/25/2024


Present – Kyle Winslow, Nicholas MacDonald, Eric Jones, Ed Latham, Jen Lobley, Robin Pinto, Vanessa Young, Gabby Brodek, Jason Palomo, Lisa Phelps. Heidi Hinkley


Secretary’s Report –  Kyle moved, Eric seconded, unanimously approved

Treasurer’s Report –  Robin moved, Kyle seconded, unanimously approved

Office update- 

  • Upstairs temporary closure due to lack of secondary escape on that second floor. Think 
  • Phone access needs attention for some people in the building – possible fix through tech department, otherwise may have to hire to get new wires added

EFNEP position– change in Vanessa’s work

  • Can she cover Hancock County? Virtual (Zoom) support can be offered. 
  • Vanessa is already doing 4 out of 5 days a week in programming so physically facilitating in Hancock is not possible. Door is still open to do in person, but no expectation of that happening.

Annual meeting– initial planning begins Subcommittee will work on details like the ones listed below

  • Selecting a date: Maybe the 11th?
  • 10am to 1pm was timeframe last year for reference. Does that timeframe work this year?
  • Education campaign to share the many facets of our program may start up a few weeks before?
  • Jason, Tara, Eric, Robin, Vanessa, Nicholas expressed subcommittee interest.

Program Summaries

  • Gabby shared link to job description for assistant and link for application:
  • Eric and Deb met and are excited about Science Greenhouse ideas.
  • Jason: Youth development program in Milbridge and Princeton doing Aquaponics. Working with Gabby with her programs as well. 
  • Rachel and Nicholas have been in frequent contact and happy about increasing livestock connections. Rachel has interest in connecting with County Fair organizers to see if her work can be a part of this year’s fair.
  • Vanessa picked up elementary school in Lubec. Will start adult class at WCCC. Visiting with food pantry managers to share EFNEP info.
  • Trying to connect with community gardeners to pull them into meetings to share what they do and maybe facilitate collaboration ideas