WCEA Meeting Minutes- March 2021
WCEA meeting minutes 16 March 2021
Present: Kyle Winslow, Jen Lobley, Ed Latham, Bob Simpson, Heidi Hinkley, Brittany Foster, Eric Jones (recorder)
Treasurer’s report:
Bob presented the balance sheet, operating statement, that were supplied in the meeting materials. Nothing out of the ordinary expenses.
Online banking – Bob has set that up for use with Machias Savings Bank, details to be sent to Kyle. Bob posed the question about using bill pay, if that’s something we’d like to do for recurring monthly expenses. Paying the power expenses has run into some issues where the bill is delivered early enough in the month that when Tara pays all the bills at the same time in the month that the following month’s bill doesn’t reflect the previous payment. Bob has looked into ways to circumvent that by using auto payment methods, like bill pay.
Jen wonders how easy switching access for people serving as treasurer and the possibility of losing track of bills when they’re electronic.
For the electric bill both meters are in the county’s name, which leads to us getting the bill from the county office rather than directly from the provider. Integrity of access is a potential concern. Maye a two step/person verification system? Bob will look into the potential issues and report back.
There was some discussion about the Jeremy Strater funds. We’ve awarded one award to date with several other applicants in the review process at present. We don’t have control over those funds and Bob was wondering if it was a gift to us then why don’t we have control over it. Jen will look into it.
Kyle moved we accept the treasurer’s report, Ed seconded – unanimously approved
Staff reports:
Big thanks to the staff for all the work they’re doing. Kyle asked how the 4H cabin fever series went. Jen reports that the workshops were small in size but nice statewide representation. Brittany reports that the workshop was well received by participants according to a survey she disseminated afterward.
Kyle asked Brittany about the return on her survey to the 4H volunteers, for which she’s received responses from about half of the volunteers. The feedback, included in her report, highlights some programming for youth that are of interest, particularly financial skills.
Changes to the bylaws Article V section 4 f, and Article XIII. There was general agreement that the new wording matched our discussions on those topics. Eric moved to approve the changes, Bob seconded. They were unanimously approved.
Bob brought up that Tara has access to the WCEA account for inquiry only. This has been in place since 2006. Bob asked that we approve that access as the treasurer position changes hands. Kyle suggested that we include in the bylaws that approval for information only access be determined by the board. Kyle moved that Bob approve Tara to continue to have information only access, Eric and Ed seconded – unanimously approved.
Annual meeting
The date we’ve chosen is a bad one for Tara so Kyle suggested that we change it from 15 June to 22 June. Same time/place just one week later. There were no objections.
Rita, Tara, and Brittany will be working on getting the videos together to showcase 4H programs at the meeting. Brittany reported that a shared drive has been created and a plan formed to pull that together.
Staff were asked for nominees for the Pen Awards and the staff are still ruminating over that. Jen and Kyle will work on a schedule of events and Lisa will say a few words. Jen suggested inviting folks from Greenland point and invite them to share goings on at the camp.
Norm Duzen awards
After some discussion, we decided to offer the award to candidate number 1 the other two candidates being unqualified for the award.
Committee member recruitment
Penni is happy to stay on as a board member though she has had trouble attending meetings. Kyle pointed out that her geographic location provides valuable input. Ed pointed out that our board is quite small so turning anyone away is perhaps not prudent.
Folks we decided to invite are:
Inez Lombardo asked by Eric
Alexis Moore asked by Jen
Juana Rodriguez Vasquez asked by Jen
Meagan Peterson asked by Kyle
Ken Warner asked by Rita
Brian Campbell asked by Jen
CariAnne Lawson asked by Bob
Jen provided us with a recruitment tutorial.
Meeting Adjourned at 19:38