WCEA Meeting Minutes – March 2023

Present: Eric Jones (recorder), Kyle Winslow, Leslie Monroy, Jen Lobley, Gabby Brodek


Secretaries report – moved Eric, seconded by Leslie, approved unanimously


Treasurer’s report – moved by Kyle, seconded by Leslie, approved unanimously

            Eric will work with Tara to create a cheat sheet of the treasurer’s report to be included with training/orientation materials

            Gabby volunteered to include an accounting of the funds she spends and their sources going forward2023.03.14

(Kyle took notes for Treasurer’s Report)
Treasurer’s Report: Eric will talk with Tara (has emailed) about encumbrances on the building funds.
Tara has asked about the bill from UMaine phone system again.
Jen – county budget sits in local bank account, some accounts sit in Orono – Harmon funds (not WCEA
directed), Strater funds.
Jen – For new member orientation – could ask Tara to create balance sheet with some cheat notes or
labels to help new members understand the accounts better.
Some Harmon funds used for 4-H program support.
Kyle moved Leslie second. Unanimous.


Staff report – See report from Gabby.  Note particularly the public speaking tournament.


Strater Funds – Follow up will occur at the next meeting due to low attendance


Recruitment – Three new prospective members.  Some discussion about others who would be a good fit.  Few members reporting.  Orientation is scheduled for 29 March at 6:00 pm, scheduled for about 45 minutes.  Current Executive committee members are welcome to attend if possible.  Those who haven’t had orientation yet should attend.


Update from meeting re: future faculty hires – At present the intention is to re-hire 4-5 positions with details to be forthcoming.  Positions are not intended to support home horticulture, master gardener program.  The four (main) positions: (1) Sustainable agriculture and statewide small ruminant and poultry livestock, (2) Sustainable agriculture and statewide Farm Business Management, (3) Sustainable agriculture and Statewide Ornamental Horticulture (4) Consumer Food Safety and Statewide Food Insecurity.


O’Brien Greenhouse

Details concerning revamping of the greenhouse by the extension office on UMM Campus are ongoing. 


Annual meeting update – Tara is working on the details (i.e. food).  Resources may dictate registration prior to the meeting time.  More details to come.


Next week we’ll need to approve our budget and the updates to the bylaws to be shared at the annual meeting.


Norm Duzen Community Service Award – One application has been submitted to date.  Tara is re-sending the notification to targeted community groups likely to have members to nominate.  Method of request was discussed, in person and phone calls preferred over emails and emails should be personalized as much as possible.

Kyle will send out the rubric ahead of time, coordinating that with Tara.


April meeting date – 18 April was the best fit for the most folks.


Meeting adjourned at 7:00 pm.