Selection Process

Eligible Maine 4-H youth interested in National 4-H Trips are encouraged to consider applying for both National 4-H Congress and National 4-H Conference. Applicants can view the scoring guidelines used by the judges and learn more about what the judges look for to aid in preparing for the process.

The process for applying and being selected for a National 4-H Trip can be broken down into these steps:

  1. Submit the application packet.
    You have two options:

    • Submit an online application.
    • Submit a paper copy to your county office. Application Packets must include:
      • Application Cover Sheet: Word | PDF
      • 4-H Story Template: Word | PDF (Note: Follow the guidelines for your 4-H story specified; there are required pieces for this version of the 4-H story in addition to those listed in a 4-H Portfolio.)
      • 4-H Resume: Word | PDF

      View the scoring rubric for application packets used by the judges: Scoring Rubric: Word | PDF

  2. Participate in an in-person/or Zoom interview in Early December 2024. Applicants are expected to participate in an interview on one of the two provided dates.  Interviews may last up to 30 minutes. Take a look at our list of possible interview questions. View the scoring rubric for interviews used by the judges: Word | PDF. Applicants should not overlook this important part of the application process. Take time to review the questions and prepare your answers. Spend time researching to learn about good interview techniques and manners.
  3. Notification to Applicants. Decisions will be announced by the following methods:
    • By e-mail to all UMaine Extension county offices
    • By e-mail/mail to all applicants
    • By newsletter

Applicants will have access to their completed scoring rubrics when requested. Any applicant who requests a copy of their rubric will receive it by email and a copy will also be sent to their county staff person if requested. This is meant to be an educational process, so applicants are encouraged to request their rubrics and feedback from the judges.

Selected applicants will receive information regarding the trip, including attending a trip orientation and any pre/post conference requirements as needed.

Please retain the orientation dates on your calendar, and also check your email for any notifications.

Reach out to Kristy Ouellette, if you have any questions about this process.