Meet Our Team

Leslie Forstadt, Ph.D.
UMaine Cooperative Extension Faculty, Human Development Specialist, and Program Grant Administrator

Leslie’s focus is human development, including communication, well-being, stress, and resilience. She works with farm teams in the farm coaching program, and with the Maine Agricultural Mediation Program with programmatic and grant support. She completed her 40-hour mediation training in 2019.

She has collaborated with faculty at UMaine and other campuses nationally, is a member of the Coalition of Agricultural Mediation Programs, and works regularly in Maine with colleagues as part of the Maine Farmer Resource Network, and the Maine Farm and Ranch Stress Assistance Network. She lives in Bangor with her husband and two boisterous kids and is always eager to get outside into the world.

Lucy Wess, Esq.
MAMP and PFAS Navigator Program Director

Lucy is a mediator, educator, and trainer. She has experience in a variety of meditation settings, including community mediation, CADRES family matters mediation in the Maine District Courts as well as probate, and other practice areas. Lucy works to promote inclusivity, compassionate curiosity, lifelong learning, and dignity through mindful and trauma-informed conflict resolution practice.

She has collaborated with students, staff, and administrators in various roles in higher education, including teaching History and Culture from 2012 – 2015 at SIAS International University in the People’s Republic of China. She now lives in Frankfort, ME, and enjoys vegetable and flower gardening.  Lucy also spends time reading historical fiction, getting moving through hiking, swimming, and yoga, building and repairing household projects, and going on daily outdoor adventures with her sweet, energetic hound mix, Maisy.

Shiela Leonard, Esq.
MAMP Program Data Management and Case Coordinator
PFAS Navigator Program Coordinator

Shiela is an attorney and mediator who grew up and studied in the Philippines.  Since her relocation to Maine in 2007, she has been focusing her practice on Family Matters mediation.  She and her family climbed Mount Katahdin in the summer of 2022 and shared “I am always looking for the next adventure.”

PFAS Navigator Team

Shiela Leonard, Esq. – PFAS Navigator Program Coordinator
Wanda Braithwaite-Baril – Active PFAS Navigator
Linc Oliver-O’Neil – Active PFAS Navigator
Rachael Lowe – Reserve PFAS Navigator
Melissa Maker – Reserve PFAS Navigator


Phone: 207.581.3487


Mailing Address & Office Location:  1 York Complex, UMaine Campus, Orono, ME 04473