Master Gardener Volunteers

Becoming a Master Gardener Volunteer takes a passion for green and growing things, and interest in sharing your enthusiasm for gardening with friends, neighbors, and the community.
Master Gardener Volunteers are people of all types who want to make a difference. They want to use their gardening skills to create positive change in their communities. Whether working with students on a school garden, teaching a workshop on making great compost, growing and donating produce to Maine Harvest for Hunger or beautifying a public space, Master Gardener Volunteers take an active role in making things happen!
We are young and older; male and female; students, workers, and retirees; and we all share an interest in nature, the environment, and growing plants.
Visit the Maine Master Gardener Volunteers website to learn more.
Master Gardener Events
Check the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Calendar of Events and Facebook page for timely updates on events around the state.
Request for MGV Assistance Form
Download a Request for MGV Assistance Form (Word) if you’d like to have a project considered for Master Gardener Assistance. When completed electronically in Word or copied to the body of an email, please email it to Lynne Holland at Once approved by Lynne Holland, it will be posted for consideration for active MGVs.