5.23.13 Warning: Bees and Botrytis blight

You will want to minimize any exposure of honey bees, bumble bees and native pollinators to pesticides, including fungicides, during bloom. Bumble bees and native pollinators will still be working pollinating your fields when poor conditions keep the honey bees in their hives. The fungicides recommended for control of Botrytis blossom blight are considered non-toxic […]

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5.22.2013 Botrytis Blossom Blight

If you have had Botrytis blossom blight in your field before, you may have conditions to have this disease occur this week. The Botrytis blossom blight can be identified by the black hairs that stick out of infected, dead blossoms.  Blossoms can also be killed by the Mummy berry fungus and frost.  Please see the […]

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5.20.13 Symptoms of Mummy Berry Disease and Others

I think the mummy berry infection season is over for this year.  Cups in most areas would have dried up over the last few days, so there won’t be any spores to infect the plants.   I don’t think this current wet weather will be causing any infection periods for the mummy berry fungus. You […]

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5.16.13 Mummy Berry Forecast, May 16

Knox, Lincoln, Waldo and Southern Hancock Counties Mummy berry cups dried up early this week so it is unlikely there were any infections in your area in this last rain. Northern Hancock and Washington Counties Most cups are finished from our monitored field sites.  Only one mature cup was still reported at Long Pond area […]

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5.14.13 Mummy Berry Forecast and Frost, May 14

Meddybemps Area Only Our Meddybemps weather station indicated there was an infection period in that field last night starting at 7:20 p.m. and continuing to  8:40 a.m.  For this infection period in the Meddybemps area, if you have applied fungicide on or after Sunday, May 4, your plants were protected during the infection period overnight.  […]

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5.13.13 Mummy Berry Forecast, May 13

Knox and Lincoln Counties The mummy berry cups were finishing up last week and unless you had a very late field, you probably did not have any infection over this past weekend. Waldo and Southern Hancock Counties The mummy berry cups were finishing up a the end of last week, but there may have been […]

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5.11.13 Mummy Berry Forecast, May 11, Another Infection period

As you may have guessed, there was another infection period in all of our monitored sites overnight (from Friday, May 10) and there will be another one today and into tomorrow (Sunday, May 12) morning. The good news for more southern fields in Knox and Lincoln counties is that I suspect the mummy berry cups […]

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5.10.13 Mummy Berry Forecast, May 10

There has been another infection period overnight in all monitored fields.  The infection period started around 4:00 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. depending upon the location. Remember your plants are susceptible even if the leaves are unfurled and flowers are starting to appear.  Mature mummy berry cups are dying off but there are probably some mature cups […]

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5.09.13 Mummy Berry Forecast, May 9

There has been an infection period overnight in all monitored fields.  The infection period started around 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. depending upon the location.  Mature mummy berry cups are still present in most fields but are starting to die off. Rain is predicted through the weekend and I expect more infection periods with this rain.  […]

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5.08.13 Mummy Berry Forecast for May 8

There has been an infection period due to fog in all monitored fields.   The fog started around 8:00 to 9:00 p.m. in most areas and due to the warm temperatures produced an infection period for most areas. Mature mummy berry cups are still present in most fields but are starting to die off. If you […]

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