Mummy Berry

4.19.12 Mummy Berry Forecast: Thursday, April 19

By Seanna Annis Lincoln, Waldo and Knox and Southern Hancock Counties Mature mummy berry cups are actively producing spores in these counties. Once your plants have partially open buds they are susceptible to this fungus until the fungus stops producing spores.  Numerous mummy berry pinheads (not yet ready to produce spores) are still present on […]

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4.17.12 Mummy Berry Forecast: Tuesday, April 17

By Seanna Annis Knox, Lincoln and Waldo Counties Fog in fields close to the coast may have caused an infection period for the mummy berry fungus to get into the plants last night. In our Belfast site, approximately four miles from the coast (straight line distance), there was ten hours of fog (at an average […]

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4.16.12 Mummy Berry Forecast: Monday, April 16

By Seanna Annis When are my plants susceptible to mummy berry fungus? Your plants are susceptible to infection by the mummy berry fungus from when they have 40% of the stems at the crown stage throughout their development.  The flowers and leaves are susceptible at every stage of development past when the bud scales have […]

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4.13.12 Mummy Berry Forecast: Friday, April 13

By Seanna Annis What does an “infection period” mean? Once mature cups are present in your field, they will be actively producing and shooting off spores into the air that will land on your plants. The spores will be produced as long as there are mature cups in the field. The spores on the plants […]

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4.09.12 Mummy Berry Forecast: Monday, April 9

By Seanna Annis Lincoln and Knox Counties There were borderline conditions for an infection period in the Appleton and Liberty area. The leaf wetness was almost long enough to provide an infection period but was short approximately ½ hour. In a wet field in Liberty, mummy berry pinheads were seen on Thursday. Plants in the […]

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4.06.12 The 2012 Mummy Berry Season Is Here

By Seanna Annis Lincoln, Knox, Waldo and South Hancock Counties Plants have buds at the susceptible stage in Appleton and Ellsworth.  Both sites were very close to over 40% of their flower buds at F2 (crown stage, see the previous forecast for pictures) on Tuesday, April 3 so they are likely at that stage now. […]

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4.02.12 The 2012 Mummy Berry Season is Coming!

By Seanna Annis Waldo, Lincoln, Knox Counties It is time to start looking at your plants for flower bud opening and for cups to start appearing this week if you have a mummy berry plot in these counties. After the unusually warm weather two weeks ago,  the plants have moved along to just starting to […]

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