A Strategic Planning Session of the Wild Blueberry Commission of Maine is scheduled for 8:30 a.m. on Wednesday, October 7, 2020. To mitigate the risk from COVID-19, the public is invited to attend the meeting by video conference/conference call. Commissioners will be attending in-person.
To attend the meeting by video conference, please follow this link: https://maine.zoom.us/j/92280008929?pwd=alBKRnhTdXI0bWY3OENxUllGOVlnQT09;
To attend the meeting by conference call please dial 646-876-9923; and enter the Meeting ID: 922 8000 8929; and enter Password/Participant ID: 561671. Please follow the audio instructions provided to gain access to the video or conference call.
Please contact Nancy England (England@maine.edu) with questions or clarifications about how to attend.