Becoming an Outdoors Woman - Fall Weekend

Program Date: October 14th & 15th 2023
Fee: $250.00
Minimum Attendance requirement: 40 participants
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Please click the links below for program details:
Fall BOW Session Descriptions
Fall BOW Schedule
Frequently asked Questions
Activity Level Descriptions
Becoming an Outdoors-Woman Introductory Skills Weekend
As the air turns crisp and the leaves begin to fall we look forward to enjoying our time outside with friends before the winter settles in. The fall BOW weekend is an opportunity for women to participate in workshops in three general program areas: Shooting and hunting, fishing and outdoor recreation such as paddling, hiking etc. All of our workshops are taught in a very “ hands-on” way, focusing on the needs of the learner and are open to all participants 18 years of age and older.
We look forward to introducing you to all sorts of outdoor recreational activities. Becoming an Outdoors Woman is a great way to learn outdoor skills. Beginners are our specialty, and our fall mini offers a mix of outdoor skills for all levels of participants.

BOW Sessions and Activity Levels
Session #
Wild Edibles: Seeking Nature’s Bounty (L)
Learn to Hunt: Whitetail Deer Hunting (L)
Learn to Shoot: Introduction to Rifle Shooting (L)
Hike Bucks Ledge/ Lapham Ledge (E)
Foliage Paddle and Basic Techniques (M)
Fly Tying for Beginners (L)
Session #2
Tree Stands, Ground Blinds and Trail Cameras (M)
Learn to Shoot: Introduction to Shotguns (M)
Wildlife Tracking: Exploring the Forest for Signs of Wildlife (E)
Introduction to Canning (L)
Campfire Cooking (L)
Intro to Fly Fishing (L)
Session #3
Wild Edibles: Seeking Nature’s Bounty (L)
Safe Use of Handguns for Hunting and Recreation (L)
Map and Compass (M)
Archery Shooting Skills (L)
Introduction to Waterfowl Hunting (L)
Fire and Survival Skills (M)