Adult Programs
We are pleased to offer a whole host of adult programs at Bryant Pond throughout the year. We offer workshops on various outdoor skills, leadership, and educational themes, as well as specific programs such as Women’s Winter Skills, SustainME, 4-H Shooting Sports, and others. Whether you’re an experienced outdoors person or looking for an introduction to outdoor skills development, we have a program to fit your needs. Please see the sidebar menu to your left for programming availability. Simply click on the link for details and to register.
Maine’s diverse landscape offers endless opportunities for those that seek adventure. Many of our adult programs are created in partnership with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, National Shooting sports, and the Maine 4-H Foundation.
Through various workshops and hands-on opportunities, participants will learn new outdoor skills, gain self-confidence, increase their self-reliance, and gain a new appreciation for all that Maine has to offer!
Upon registration, you will receive information with suggestions on how to dress and what to bring. We provide all of the program equipment and program needs (unless specified otherwise). Each program begins with a brief check-in and orientation before we start our activity.