March 2019

Cumberland County 4-H News

4-H Calendar
State 4-H News
4-H Club Happenings
Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News

Cumberland County 4-H News

Important Dates

March 1 – April 30: Joann Fabric Clovers for Kids Campaign

March 1: Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships due to County office

March 7: Last Day to register for Mini-Forum

March 9: 4-H Congress and Conference Applications due to County Office

March 16: Mini-Forum and Volunteer Training, USM Gorham, Open to 4-H and non-4-H members

March 21: CC 4-H Leaders meeting, 7:00-9:00 p.m., Gorham Public Works, 80 Huston Road, Gorham

March 27-April 7: Tractor Supply Paper Clover Campaign

Reminder: Mini-Forum will be Held Saturday, March 16th at USM Gorham, Bailey HallMini-Forum is a fun-filled day for all ages with a variety of workshops from Pickled Carrots to Pollinators, Clover Crafts to Fudge Making, and more.

The schedule for the day is:

  • Check-In: 9:00 – 9:30 am
  • Welcome: 9:30 – 9:55 am
  • Session 1/Track Program: 10:00 a.m. – 11:30 am
  • Lunch: 11:35 – 12:00
  • CWF Raffle: 12:00 – 12:20 pm
  • General Session – Physics Roadshow: 12:20 – 1:20
  • Session 3: 1:30 – 2:30 pm
  • Clean-Up and Fill-out Surveys: 2:30 – 2:45 pm

For more information about Mini-Forum and a list of workshops and their descriptions please visit the 4-H Mini Forum page.

Register online using the Cumberland County 4-H 2019 Mini-Forum Registration Form by Thursday, March 10, 2019.

Upcoming New 4-H Volunteer Training at Mini-Forum, March 16

If you know anyone in your club or community who would like to become a 4-H Volunteer, an in-person training will be held at Mini-Forum on Saturday, March 16, during Session 1, 10:00-11:30 AM at Bailey Hall, USM Gorham Campus. All adults who will work directly with 4-H youth for 8 hours or more in 2019 should become trained. This is a great opportunity for 17 and 18 year old club members to complete training so that they can be ready to volunteer upon aging out of 4-H. In order to register please email or call 207.781.6099.

Citizenship Washington Focus Raffle at Mini-Forum

A raffle to support the CWF trip will be held at Mini-Forum, so please bring some extra money to support the cause. We are also looking for about ten donated items to put in the raffle. Items should have a value of at least $10.00 and can be anything from gift certificates to homemade items or any new item you think someone else would want. Variety is great! If you are willing to donate something, please call Connie at 625.4644 and then bring the item to Mini Forum for the raffle.  Thanks for your support.

4-H Public Speaking Opportunities
Public speaking is an important skill for 4-H youth to learn. There are some great opportunities for 4-H youth to develop their skills in 2019.

Maine 4-H Statewide Public Speaking Tournament, April 6th, University of Maine, Orono. In order to be eligible to represent Cumberland County at this tournament you must participate in 4-H Public Speaking/Demonstration Day and be approved to attend by Mitch or Sara. If you cannot attend 4-H Public Speaking Day but would like to attend the Statewide tournament please contact Sara for options. For more information please visit:

2019 4-H Member Cards Must Be Requested Annually

Due to the Cumberland Fair’s policy change in 2017 regarding fair entrance passes, we will not be printing 4-H member cards for everyone. In the past 4-H Member Cards have been primarily used to enter the Cumberland Fair but with fair passes from the fair being the new way to enter, 4-H Member Cards are no longer needed by everyone. Some fairs do still use member cards for entrance so please check with any fairs you will be planning to attend this year to see what their entrance requirements are. If you or your club would like member and leader cards please email or call Sara,, 207.781.6099 by April 1 to be on the list for a printed 4-H Member Card. If you do not signup you will not receive a member card but will still receive a Cumberland Fair pass if you plan to exhibit.

Campership Applications Now Available

Campership applications will be due on Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 4:30PM. Camperships are scholarships for youth to attend a summer camp of their choice. Applications are now available on the 4-H Camperships page. Please mail completed application to UMaine Extension, Attn: 4-H Camperships, 75 Clearwater Drive, Suite 104, Falmouth, Maine 04105.

4-H Scholarship Applications Now Available

Cumberland County 4-H Scholarship applications are due Wednesday, April 17, 2019 at 4:30PM. If you need help applying for any of these scholarships or have questions please call or email Sara at 781.6099, Please note that the application for the 4-H Leaders Association, Linda Clark/Margy Justice Memorial, and Susan P. Grover Memorial Scholarships are all the same. The Extension Homemaker’s Scholarship has a different application form. Applications should be mailed to UMaine Extension, Cumberland County, Attn: 4-H Scholarships, 75 Clearwater Drive, Suite 104, Falmouth, Maine 04105. Past 4-H members who are applying please note last year’s change in requirements for past member applications. For more information and applications please visit the 4-H Scholarships page.

A packet with scholarship applications and information was mailed in ate February to all seniors currently enrolled in Cumberland County 4-H. Don’t forget to check out information about the Maine 4-H Foundation Scholarships on their Receive Funding page, as well.

Paul Merrill Memorial Fund 

The Paul E. Merrill 4-H Memorial Fund was established as a memorial to Paul E. Merrill who died in April 1982. Mr. Merrill firmly believed in the merits of the 4-H program and in the character-building qualities of learning to care for and raise livestock. This fund is a splendid way to carry on the beliefs of Mr. Merrill and in doing so, encourage youth to grow in character and ability as Mr. Merrill had done. It is designed to provide financial aid for projects from the interest of the account to 4-H livestock clubs or 4-H members with livestock projects. The application deadline is May 1, 2019.

For more information and an application, please visit the Paul Merrill Memorial Fund page.

The 4-H Kitchen has three cases of frozen beef patties left to sell. Each case is $80.15 and has 60, 4oz patties. Please contact Nicole Foster, to purchase.

First Aid Kits for New Club

Many years ago 4-Her’s in Cumberland County received funds to make First Aid kits for 4-H clubs. Three more unused kits were just returned to the office and are available for any 4-H clubs that would like them. These are available on a first come, first served basis and can be picked up at our office in Falmouth or brought to any upcoming 4-H events. Please let Sara know via email or phone 207-781-6099 if your club would like one.

4-H Partners with JOANN for ‘Clovers for Kids’ Campaign

JOANN stores are helping 4-H bring more hands-on programs to local communities across the nation to inspire kids to lead lives with their head, hands, and hearts.

Between March 1 – April 30, 2019 visit your local JOANN store and purchase a clover tear away at the register for either $1 or $4.  $4 purchases come with a $4 off coupon for a later purchase.  100% of the funds donated go back to 4-H with 70% going back to the local states’ 4-H program.

In addition, JOANN wants to support individual 4-H’ers involvement by providing a rewards card for 4-H members, leaders, staff, and parents.  The rewards card gives holders 15% off their purchase every day.  To sign up go to

National FEMA Youth Preparedness Council Seeks Members

The National Youth Preparedness Council involves a two-year term for teens. It is open to youth in grades 8-11.  The application portal opened February 19 and closes March 31, 2019.  The FEMA Youth Preparedness Council was formed in 2012 to bring together youth leaders from across the country who are interested and engaged in advocating for preparedness. The Council is made up of 15 members who are selected based on their dedication to public service, their efforts in making a difference in their communities, and their potential to expand their impact as national advocates for preparedness.  During their two-year term, members complete local and national-level projects and share their opinions and experiences regarding youth disaster preparedness with the leadership of FEMA and other preparedness organizations. Members also attend the annual Youth Preparedness Council Summit in Washington, D.C. each summer, where they participate in team building activities, learn about project planning, attend media training, and hear from youth preparedness leaders from across the country. For more information and to apply, visit

State 4-H News March 2019

Save the Date for 2019 Maine 4-H Days
Maine 4-H Days will take place July 19 – 21 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. If you are interested in helping to plan next year’s event, please contact Jessy Brainerd at or 207.581.3877.

Maine 4-H Days Planning Committee
July will be here before you know it, and we are looking for a few good volunteers to join the fantastic current Maine 4-H Days Planning Committee.  Joining this committee gives you the chance to help come up with ideas and plans for one of our biggest statewide events!  If you are interested in joining the Maine 4-H Days Planning Committee, or have general questions/comments/recommendations about the event, please email, or call 207.581.3877.

Come to Orono for the 2019 4H@UMaine May 31 – June 1!
Planning has started and the wheels are in motion thanks to the efforts of a tremendous team! We are always looking for individuals interested in helping with pre-event planning or attending the event itself! Stay tuned for details. For more information about 4-H@UMaine, contact Greg Kranich at or 207.581.3292.

National Trips
National 4-H Trip Applications Are due March 8th, 2019 (Conference and Congress) National 4-H Trips are excellent opportunities to meet 4-H members from across the nation. Participants learn about many career options, and learn through educational workshops at Congress or become a part of a team making recommendations to National 4-H Council at Conference. To learn more about these trips, visit:  Websites are currently being updated. For specific questions, please contact Heidi Palmer, State Activities Coordinator at:

2019 Maine 4-H Public Speaking Tournament
The 4-H State Public Speaking Tournament will be held Saturday, April 6, 2019 at the University of Maine at Orono. 4-H Youth ages 9 to 18 who have participated in their county 4-H public speaking tournament and received the required score are invited to participate. For youth in counties which do not hold public speaking tournaments, arrangements may be made through their county’s Extension office to present their presentation to their county’s 4-H staff in order to be eligible. More information is available at:

Please provide feedback on Project Records!
Click the following link to take the survey.
You are invited to participate in a statewide research project being conducted by Kristy Ouellette and Jennifer Lobley, Extension Educators at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.  4-H volunteers and staff from all over Maine will participate in this study.

Purpose of this research project:  We recognize the value of our 4-H volunteers.  As a state we have rolled out new 4-H Project Records. We want to have a better understanding of your beliefs and understandings of the function of these records. What will you be asked to do?  If you decide to participate, you will be asked to complete an on-line survey with questions pertaining to your attitudes and beliefs regarding 4-H project records in Maine.  The survey will take you approximately 20 minutes to complete. Risks: Except for your time and inconvenience, there are no foreseeable risks to you in participating in this study.  Benefits: You will be eligible to enter into a raffle for a $25.00 gift card to Hannaford.  Confidentiality:  As a participant you will be anonymous. Investigators or a student will enter data into a computer.  Data will be kept on a secured computer with only the investigators or a student having access. Data will be kept for a period of  5 years.  Voluntary:  Participation is voluntary.  If you choose to take part in this study, you may stop at any time during the study.  You may skip any questions you do not wish to answer.   Participation in the on-line survey implies consent to participate.

Contact Information: If you have any questions about this study, please contact Kristy Ouellette at 207.353.5550 or If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact Gayle Jones, Assistant to the University of Maine’s Protection of Human Subjects Review Board, at 581.1498 (or e-mail

Club Happenings

Horse and rider pulling man on skis

White Pine Caprines & Equines

Reporter Bridge F.

Due to bad weather, our monthly meeting was cancelled. Unfortunately we couldn’t all get together but earlier that weekend some of us went up to Skowhegan to watch a skijoring event. It was awesome, even though it was absolutely freezing out! The skiers held on to ropes and were towed 4-H kids in front of barnbehind horse and rider. There were also jumps made of snow that the skier had to go over. It was a timed event so speed was important, the fastest time won. The horse world in Maine is an amazing community. Lots of people came out to watch this super cool competition.

Reporter Kendall S.

In Robotica we learn about robots, mostly lego robots. Their are 5 kids in our club. In our club we are working on building a robot and learning about simple machines. At most meetings we talk about simple machines, and the definitions. We started working on our robot in February. The theme this year is the moon, so we have been working on a moon base for our robot. We all have been working with legos and programming. We program most of the lego robots that we make. We like to use the lego WeDo apps on a laptop. We are allowed to take home a laptop, and 2 lego WeDo sets. We are supposed to make and program at least 1 robot, but you do not have to. Most of the time we like to build and program robots and send pictures to our other club members.

Other UMaine Extension Cumberland County News

UMaine Extension Cumberland County offers many different workshops throughout the year. To learn more about our workshop offerings please visit our Upcoming Events page.