Maine Maple Sunday
The annual Maine Maple Sunday is a beloved event here in Maine and a sure sign of Spring as rising temperature creates pressure inside trees, causing sap to flow. Each year nearly 100 participating sugarhouses (building where maple sap is boiled and maple syrup and maple sugar are made) across the state offer a variety of events and activities including tours, demonstrations, tastings, and more. This year the delicious event is Sunday, March 24, 2019.
Looking for a sugarhouse near you? Check out the Maine Maple Producers Association’s Maine Maple Sunday Map.
Can’t wait until the 24th to get to know some Maine maple producers? Watch this UMaine Extension Growing Maine Series video Jillson’s Farm and Sugar House.
Want to learn more about maple syrup? Here are some great UMaine Extension publications:
#7036 How to Tap Maple Trees & Make Maple Syrup
#7038 Maple Syrup Quality Control Manual
#7041Licensing and Regulations for Maple Syrup Processing in Maine