Garden Design and Maintenance

When is the right time in spring to remove straw from strawberry plants?

Question: I planted strawberries in a raised bed last spring. I covered it with straw for the winter. When is the right time to remove the straw that is still covering the plants? I peeked under the straw and noted some healthy leaves. Answer: David Fuller, Agriculture and Non-Timber Forest Products Professional IV It sounds […]

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When is the right time to remove last fall’s leaves and plant remains?

Question: I left the leaves and remains of plants last fall to help overwinter the pollinators. I’m wondering when is the right time to remove them now? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Great question.  I am making the same decision in my own gardens! The longer you can leave the plant materials in place, the […]

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What is the best green manure for spring (and fall)?

Question: I have raised beds. What is the best green manure to put on the soil for the spring and then the fall? Clover? Rye? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources The cover crops and green manures you choose to improve your raised bed garden soil (and potentially break some […]

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How can we make our wild blueberry patch weed free and healthy?

Question: We live on Little Deer Isle and are writing with a question about growing Maine wild blueberries. We have a patch approximately 15’x40′ that we had transplanted two years ago. We have added peat moss and sulphur, but the plants are not thriving. The patch abuts a field. We are having a dreadful time […]

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What should I do now to improve my soil for next summer?

Question: I live in South Portland. Every summer for about 10 years I’ve had a vegetable garden on the same 50 x 25 ft plot. This year I won’t have time for a garden. What should I do this spring, summer and fall to improve the soil for next summer? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension […]

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Is it acceptable to plant butterfly bushes in Maine if they are sterile?

Question: Is it acceptable to plant butterfly bushes in Maine if they are sterile? Answer: Lynne Holland, Community Education Assistant (Home Horticulture), Androscoggin and Sagadahoc Counties That is a great question and it also brings up a problem we often face-the use of common names for items that have both invasive and non-invasive members in […]

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