Garden Design and Maintenance

Can I plant pachysandra underneath my service berry tree as a ground cover?

Question: Can I plant pachysandra underneath my service berry tree as a ground cover? The service berry is two years old and 7’ tall. I’m wondering if they would be compatible? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Many people do plant pachysandra or other ground covers beneath trees, and the trees survive, but it is not […]

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When can I rake my flower beds and still protect the pollinators?

Question: When can I rake my flower beds and still protect the pollinators? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Great question. The longer you can leave the plant materials in place, the more likely you are to allow overwintering insects to emerge on their own time. Their emergence is directly linked to growing degree days, Understanding […]

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How can I keep my husk cherries producing until frost?

Question: Last year I grew husk cherries in 10″ diameter x 10″ high containers on a table topped with hardware cloth in my garden to make harvesting easier. I used a Fox Farm potting medium in the pots. For the first couple of month, the plants grew terrifically and the fruits were much larger than […]

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When is the right time in spring to remove straw from strawberry plants?

Question: I planted strawberries in a raised bed last spring. I covered it with straw for the winter. When is the right time to remove the straw that is still covering the plants? I peeked under the straw and noted some healthy leaves. Answer: David Fuller, Agriculture and Non-Timber Forest Products Professional IV It sounds […]

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When is the right time to remove last fall’s leaves and plant remains?

Question: I left the leaves and remains of plants last fall to help overwinter the pollinators. I’m wondering when is the right time to remove them now? Answer: Marjorie Peronto, Extension Educator Great question.  I am making the same decision in my own gardens! The longer you can leave the plant materials in place, the […]

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What is the best green manure for spring (and fall)?

Question: I have raised beds. What is the best green manure to put on the soil for the spring and then the fall? Clover? Rye? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension Professor of Agriculture and Natural Resources The cover crops and green manures you choose to improve your raised bed garden soil (and potentially break some […]

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How can we make our wild blueberry patch weed free and healthy?

Question: We live on Little Deer Isle and are writing with a question about growing Maine wild blueberries. We have a patch approximately 15’x40′ that we had transplanted two years ago. We have added peat moss and sulphur, but the plants are not thriving. The patch abuts a field. We are having a dreadful time […]

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What should I do now to improve my soil for next summer?

Question: I live in South Portland. Every summer for about 10 years I’ve had a vegetable garden on the same 50 x 25 ft plot. This year I won’t have time for a garden. What should I do this spring, summer and fall to improve the soil for next summer? Answer: Tori Lee Jackson, Extension […]

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