Ask the Expert

When should I pick pears?

Question: When should I start picking Bartlett pears? Moonglow pears? I know they ripen off the tree. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant As you noted, pears do complete their ripening process off the tree–in fact, because they ripen from the inside out, if they are left on the tree they can often have quite […]

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Why are my hazelnuts only the size of a pea after growing for over five years?

Question: My hazelnuts are only the size of a pea. I’m not sure what the variety is but I got the seedlings 5-6 years ago. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant There are several reasons why your hazelnut harvest is small (meaning small individually, not volume harvested). Hazelnuts do take several years to establish before […]

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Should you use tea seed meal to eradicate Amynthas jumping worms?

Question: My lawn and raised bed garden have been infested with the Amynthas jumping worm that I first noticed in 2021. I’ve read that applications of tea seed meal will eradicate these worms. I realize that Tea Seed Meal will also kill the good worms are there any other downsides? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects […]

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Do ultrasonic deer repellants work?

Question: Do ultrasonic deer repellants work? We have a string of arborvitaes which the deer love to munch on in the wintertime. Is fencing the only other alternative? We have tried sprays and clip on deterrents but nothing like that works. Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant The short answer, in my experience, is that […]

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What are recommendations for low maintenance, ecologically sound replacements for lawns?

Question: What does recent research recommend as alternative, low-maintenance, ecologically sound replacements for lawns. Is there recommended ground covers for shady areas or extra dry areas that can be planted to reduce lawn area? Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Some common groundcover alternatives to turfgrass include creeping thyme (Thymus serpyllum), creeping juniper (Juniperus horizontalis), creeping phlox (Phlox […]

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Why do some of the melons I grew have a bitter taste?

Question: I have had a bumper crop of sweet and delicious muskmelons and charantais melons this summer, but I am noticing that some of the later ripening melons have some parts of the flesh that have a bitter taste. This is the first year I have encountered this. There isn’t anything in the look of […]

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Can I plant Forget-Me-Not seeds now for next year’s blooms?

Question: Can I plant Forget-Me-Not seeds now for next year’s blooms? Will they survive the winter?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Projects Assistant Forget-me-not (Myosotis sylvatica) is technically a winter hardy biennial, but is often grown as an annual. However, because it is such a prodigious self-sower, once planted it often continues on in successive generations […]

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