Managing Insect, Diseases, and Animal Pests

How do you deter a sapsucker from destroying a willow tree?

Question: I have a relatively new golden willow in my front yard that is being slowly girdled by sapsucker holes in the bark. How do I deter the bird, protect the tree, and what should I do to prevent disease and encourage continued growth? The tree has started to send out shoots along the trunk […]

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Do we have Carpenter Ants in Maine and how do you get rid of them?

Question:  Do we have Carpenter Ants in Maine and how do you get rid of them?  Answer: Katherine Garland, Horticulturist Yes, we primarily have two species, the Eastern black carpenter ant and the red carpenter ant. If you suspect you have some, we always welcome you to send us a few clear pictures so we […]

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Are cucumber beetles the insects that are killing my squash?

Question: I believe my garden is loaded with what looks like cucumber beetles. They are tiny flying beetles that are in the blossom end of the squash plant. They are killing the blossom and the squash itself. They are eating the leaf in a lace like pattern of tiny holes. They are in the cucumbers […]

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What are the small, winged black insects on my tomato plants?

Question: There are little winged black insects on my tomato plants and white fuzzy stuff.   I am hoping you can tell me what they are and what I can do. I have looked through your galleries and FAQ and may have missed them. Answer: Viña Lindley, Food Systems & Home Horticulture Professional Thank you for […]

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How do I keep the deer from eating my perennials?

Question: This year the deer have been feasting off my perennials. What is recommended to keep them from doing this? I don’t want anything too smelly to keep people inside!  Answer: Pamela Hargest, Horticulture Professional I encourage you to get in touch with USDA APHIS Program, who can help with your wildlife questions (damage control)  […]

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Will ants and aphids harm milkweed?

Question: We have both common and swamp milkweed in the backyard. This year we have noticed ants and aphids in the plants. We understand about their symbiotic relationship but wondered if they would damage the plant or the monarch caterpillars. If so, what is the best way to get ride of them? Answer: Pamela Hargest, […]

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Why have the magnolia, pine and dogwood trees died on my property?

Question: I planted a butterfly magnolia tree a couple years ago.  Last year it had one flower at the beginning of the season.  This year it doesn’t have anything and I noticed it has three splits in its trunk. I put fertilizer around it this year but just a day ago. It seems nothing grows […]

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