Seed Starting and Propagation

Should I plant wildflower seeds prior to winter or in the spring?

Question: I have a wildflower meadow and would like to plant more flowers. I have harvested quite a bit of Black-eyed Susan seed, as well as Mexican Hat and Coneflower seed from the meadow this summer. When should I plant the seed…prior to winter or in the spring? I have looked online and found both […]

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How do I get the Hostas that I started from seed to grow faster?

Question: I picked pods from a Hosta plant last fall. I planted the seeds in early February. I have been taking care of them indoors but also have some outdoors in a container that are equally as small. I wanted to know – why are these plants still so small? Is there something I can […]

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When is the best time to plant seeds for a fall crop of snow peas?

Question: When is the best time to plant seeds for a fall crop of snow peas?  Answer: Liz Stanley, Horticulture Community Education Assistant Here’s an article about growing peas in Maine Home Garden News. All peas are cool season crops and are best planted in Maine in the early spring (as soon as the ground is workable) for […]

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Should pepper blossoms be pinched off before transplanting into the garden?

Question: If pepper seedlings have blossoms, should the blossoms be pinched off before transplanting into the garden? Answer: Pamela Hargest, Horticulture Professional Yes, pepper blossoms can be picked off before or when you transplant your pepper seedlings into your garden. This will help redirect the plant’s energy to developing healthy roots!

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Will planting non-heirloom seeds near heirlooms affect them?

Question: If I am planting a few seeds that are heirloom and also planting some that are not heirloom, will this affect the heirloom seeds? I am not planning on planting the the same species of plants. Answer: Abi Griffith, Horticulture Community Education Assistant If you are planning on saving seeds from these heirloom plants, […]

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