Maine Home Garden News

What are the spiky round growths on my beach roses?

Question: I have attached a photo of my beach roses taken last fall.  Several of the branches have spiky round growths on them.  These branches seem to be dying.   Are you familiar with this problem and to you have any suggested remedies?   Answer: Lynne M. Holland, Horticulture and Social Media Professional Your beach roses have Mossy […]

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Does the University of Maine Cooperative Extension test soil?

Question: Does the University of Maine Cooperative Extension test soil?  Answer: Jonathan Foster, Special Project Assistant We do indeed perform soil testing, via the UMaine Analytical Laboratory. You can pick up a soil test kit from the any County Extension office or request one directly from the lab (information on their website). That standard soil test fee […]

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How do you prune a lilac that has grown out of control?

Question: I’m looking for help on how to best prune a lilac tree/bush that has grown out of control.  Answer: Liz Stanley,  Horticulture Community Education Assistant For older common lilac stands (Syringa vulgaris) that need renovation, early spring is an excellent time of year to prune. Pruning when they’re still dormant means that you can […]

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What is the best way to plant shadblow bushes in clay conditions?

Question: I recently purchased two shadblow bushes (Amelanchier canadensis). We have very heavy marine clay on our property. I often amend with lots of compost/rich soil, but recently I am hearing more and more about how too much compost can create conditions where the roots just stay in the soil-rich area. Approximately how much compost/rich […]

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Perennial sprouting through last season's leaves

Maine Home Garden News April 2023

In This Issue: April Is the Month to . . . Invasive Plant Removal at the Wells Reserve at Laudholm The Tree That Broke My Heart The Maine Invasives Plants Field Guide can help you identify and control invasive plants in your backyards and gardens! Knotweed Recipes Backyard Bird of the Month: Pine Warbler Tick […]

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How do you manage rust on hollyhocks?

Question: Every year my great hollyhocks are practically destroyed by RUST. They enjoy full sun and super air circulation.  I trim, sanitize my tools constantly and use fungicides to no avail. Wondering if you have any advice? I am thinking of digging and destroying them as it’s way too time consuming at this point. Answer: […]

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Would you provide advice on controlling grasshoppers and Japanese beetles?

Question: I have experienced an invasion of grasshoppers that have devastated my flower gardens for the last two years. I’ve read NOLO bait is a good product to kill grasshopper eggs but this will not be available to purchase. Can you offer a recommendation? I would also like advice to deal with Japanese beetles. Answer: […]

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