Maine Home Garden News

How do I get rid of aphids on my Elderberry?

Question: I have two elderberries in the back yard, both are three years old. The tall one suddenly got lots of aphids for the first time. Thick clumps of dark purple aphids (with some ants and ladybugs associated). Maybe 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of aphids total (50-75 stalks involved). I sprayed them off […]

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How do I rid my garden of horsetail?

Question: Our garden in Harpswell on Casco Bay has been overrun with Marestails (Horse Tails.) We have been told that there is no way to kill it other than to dig our the entire garden, and replace the soil. Recently we came across an article that says since they grew up (millions of years ago) […]

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Maine Home Garden News — June 2021

In This Issue: June Is the Month to . . . Extending the Peony Season Quick Tip: Grow More Basil from Cuttings Supporting Your Tomatoes 101 Five Basic Guidelines for Planting and Caring for Trees and Shrubs Now is the Time to Be Thinking About Saving Seed Featured Container Garden Year of the Sunflower Tiny […]

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What’s wrong with my zinnia seedlings?

Question: I planted some zinnias as seedlings. They were doing great but now they look like this. They are indoors, I’ve been putting a grill light on them but they seem somewhere between drowned and parched. The other seedlings in different trays seem to be doing just great. Answer: Frank Wertheim, Extension Educator, Agriculture/Horticulture The […]

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What is wrong with my Cypress trees?

Question: Our property has a row of Cypress trees that run most of the length of the property. They were planted before we bought the property, probably about 20 years ago. Some of them are looking very thin, and even those which seem to most healthy are beginning to look as though they may be […]

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What’s the best way to prune large rhododendrons that were damaged by deer?

Question: The lower 3-4 feet branches of my large rhododendrons have been eaten by deer. Should these branches be pruned as the upper part of the bush just keeps growing taller? Answer: Frank Wertheim, Extension Educator, Agriculture/Horticulture In the photo it appears that the lower branches, while severely eaten back by the deer, still have […]

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What’s the best way to keep slugs from devouring my bush beans?

Question: I want to plant bush beans. Last year they got devoured by slugs. What is the best way to limit or stop the slugs? Answer: Brian Erickson, Sustainable Agriculture Professional/Professional I We have a few great resources when it comes to dealing with slugs. Home and Garden IPM from Cooperative Extension, Slugs and Snails […]

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What’s wrong with my rhododendron?

Question: I have a large rhododendron that has developed a problem. I believe it has a nutrient deficiency but I don’t know what it is. I had a soil test done on 04/16/2021 (2029) that indicates I need to reduce the pH a half a point. What do you think is the problem? Answer: Rebecca […]

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What is the best type of soil to use in my raised bed gardens?

Question: I am starting some raised beds this year. What is the best type of soil to use? I use Coast of Maine for starting my plants. Answer:  Caragh Fitzgerald, Associate Extension Professor, Agriculture When you’re filling a raised bed, the primary material should be mineral soil, rather than a potting soil. Mineral soil is […]

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