June 2018 4-H Newsletter
Style Revue 2018
This year’s Style Revue was a success. For the first time since anyone can remember, we had 100 percent participation from youth who submitted sewing projects! We started the evening off with four 4-Her’s singing “It’s a beautiful world.” We continued the evening in awe as nineteen 4-H sewers, including Cloverbuds, Novice and Intermediate Sewers proudly walked down the runway displaying and modeling their work. Some of the sewing articles included evening gowns, beaches bags, grocery bag holders, pillowcases, and more. Thank you to all the participants, judges, committee members, Leaders’ Association, and parents for helping to make this event such a success, we appreciate you all!
Contact us for a link to the full 4-H Style Review 2018 photo archive.
Upcoming Dates to Remember
June 8-10: 4-H June Jamboree at the Blue Hill Fairgrounds, REGISTRATION OPEN!
June 12: 6:30 p.m., Leaders’ Meeting, Extension Office
June 30: Animal Approval Forms are Due in the Extension Office, See 4-H News
July 4: Independence Day, Extension Office Closed
July 10: 6:30 p.m. Leaders’ Meeting, Extension Office
July 20: Photos for 4-H County Photo Contest are due in the Extension Office
July 20-22: Maine 4-H Days at the Windsor Fairgrounds, See State News #1
September 1: Maine 4-H Foundation Photo Contest Deadline, See State News #6
4-H News
Leaders’ Meeting
This month’s Leaders’ Association meeting will be on Tuesday, June 12, 2018, at 6:30 p.m. If you would like to come, but travel is too far, how about joining us by video. If you have a computer with a camera, we can get you set up! With our video technology at the Extension Office, up to 20 different folks can “beam in.” Call the office at 207.667.8212 ahead of time if you would like to participate from home. Please come and help make the discussion a lively one!
Congratulations to our Seniors!
The 4-H family would like to extend their congratulations to the following 2018 High School graduates:
- Bailey C., Jolly Juniors, Sumner Memorial High School
- Emma F., Union River Valley, John Bapst High School
- Emily H., Small Friends, George Stevens Academy
Hancock County 4-H Photo Contest, NEW for 2018!
Check out our new category and guidelines! Details are also on our Hancock County 4-H page. Deadline to submit photos to the Extension Office is July 20th.
Follow a Researcher
What do green crabs, ducks, and parasites have in common? How do scientists make sure the data they collect is accurate? What is an invasive species, and how can they be identified? Maine 4-H invites youth to explore the science of tracking invasive species with its Follow a Researcher® program. Follow UMaine graduate student Tyler Van Kirk and his research on green crabs, an invasive species found along the coast of Maine. Students and educators can follow his data collection trips in real-time with an online map and try an experiential learning activity that shows why data collection methods matter. Live updates will happen weekly via Twitter. You can follow along and sign up for updates/announcements on the Cooperative Extension’s Follow a Researcher page.
Animal Approval Forms
If you plan to show an animal in any 4-H classes this year, including at the Blue Hill Fair, you must submit an animal approval form by June 30, 2018. Small pets and Poultry are the only exception; all other animals (Horse, Beef, Sheep, Goat, Swine, etc) are required to have an Approval Form for 4-H Animal Shows (PDF).
Camp Scholarships Available
Thanks to support from Tractor Supply Company through the Paper Clover Campaign, Hancock County is offering three $175 scholarships for 4-H youth who wish to attend 4-H Camp & Learning Centers at Bryant Pond, Tanglewood, or Blueberry Cove this summer. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first served basis. Recipients are asked to share their experiences with the 4-H community through the 4-H Newsletter and other outlets (Facebook, Leaders’ meeting, etc).
Don’t wait until it’s too late… apply today! You can check out all of the fantastic summer camp opportunities by visiting the 4-H Camps and Learning Centers page.
There are additional scholarships and need-based financial assistance for youth who wish to attend a 4-H Camp & Learning Center this summer through the Maine 4-H Foundation as well as the Camps themselves. More information can be found by visiting the Camp & Learning Center websites.
Blue Hill Fair
A reminder that fair time will be upon us soon, August 30 through September 3. We hope you are getting your projects ready for the Exhibit Hall. Has your club discussed a club exhibit? The theme this year is “4-H: GEARED for Greatness.” The exhibit cards are in the office now. The fair book will be online soon, including entry blanks on the Blue Hill Fair website.
Steer Tickets have Arrived, Annual Steer Ticket Raffle Begins!
The Steer Ticket fundraiser is the premier fundraiser for the Hancock County 4-H Leaders’ Association. Tickets are $1 each; 15 cents go directly to the 4-H Club that sells the tickets, 85 cents go to the Leaders’ Association to support 4-H programming, scholarships, county events, and more.
The Steer Ticket Raffle winner will receive a cut-to-order, freezer-ready Beef Steer raised by a Hancock County 4-H’er, OR $500 cash. The drawing is at 5:00 p.m. on Labor Day at the Blue Hill Fair.
The 4-H Club AND the 4-H’er who sell the most tickets will receive an award at Cloverfest.
Tickets are now available for pick up by 4-H’ers at the Extension Office, or at 4-H June Jamboree. Steer ticket money must be returned to the Extension Office to Joyce Fortier by August 24 or the fifteen cent club money per ticket will be forfeited! Steer tickets are not to be brought to the Blue Hill Fair.
Blue Hill Fair Exhibit Tips
- Please have an adult fill out the bottom part of the exhibit card for the Cloverbuds. Sometimes it is very hard for the judges to read their printing.
- Remember to put the name of the club on a 3×5 card for the club exhibit. Do not attach it to the exhibit – place it upside down on the exhibit. The judges should not know the name of the club while judging. Your card will be displayed after it has been judged.
- The club exhibit is allowed a 4×4 foot space. Bring your own table
- On the Exhibit Hall Entry form, please list all items for each youth at once. Do not skip a space. Enter the next youth and all the items in the following space. Continue the same way for all club members. Please do not list by items such as all woodworking, all cooking, etc. By keeping the names in order, it will be easier to do the premium more accurately. Please be sure to follow the Entry Blank Sample. The Exhibit Hall Entry form and Sample forms can be found on the Hancock County 4-H Youth Development page. If you need a copy mailed to you, please call the office.
- Follow the rules as shown in the Blue Hill Fair book to help the check-in go smoothly.
All About Animal Approval Forms
- What is an Animal Approval Form and why do I need one? Animal Approval Forms need to be completed by anyone planning to show their 4-H Animal Project at the Blue Hill Fair, or any other 4-H Shows at Maine Agricultural Fairs. Small pets and Poultry are the only exceptions; all other animals (Horse, Beef, Sheep, Goat, Swine, etc) are required to have an animal approval form. The approval form certifies that the youth is a current 4-H member, youth and animals are in good standing, the animal project is active, and that each animal only appears on one approval form.
- Do I need to complete a Lease Form? If youth do not own the animal on their Animal Approval Form (even if their parents are the owners), they need to complete a Lease Form. No more than 20 animals of each type can be leased by one 4-H member.
- I am a Leader, what do I need to do? As the 4-H Leader to a youth showing animals at the fair, you are responsible for verifying several pieces of information before signing the Animal Approval Form. View the Leader Guidelines Checklist (PDF)
- How do I submit these forms? – You can request the forms from the Extension Office, or download them here:
Combined Animal Approval with Lease (PDF) | Combined Animal Approval with Lease (Word)
All forms are due in the Extension Office on June 30th. You may submit them via mail, email, fax, or in person. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions, we are here to help you! - For detailed guidelines and policies about Animal Approval for 4-H Shows visit the 4-H Membership Age page.
The Annual Maine 4-H Foundation Meeting
The Annual Maine 4-H Foundation Meeting was held on May 16 to honor the amazing scholarship recipients as well as many other exciting 4-H projects throughout the state. Even though we did not have any youth applicants from our county this year, Hancock County was represented at the meeting by 4-H staff and volunteers: Norma Hardison, current 4-H leader and former 4-H Aide in Hancock County; Joyce Fortier, 4-H Support Staff; and Carla Scocchi, 4-H Youth Development Professional.
We are looking forward to some exciting state 4-H projects such as a new 4-H Science and Engineering Learning Center on campus at UMaine in Orono. A big shout out to all of the 4-H Youth Scholarship recipients – you are truly inspiring – best of luck in your future endeavors!
Club News
Horse & Rider
On May 12th, the Horse & Riders met to participate in the 4-H Kentucky Derby. Using Sweet Pea and Lady Slipper, the members took turns racing around the course set up in Heather’s arena. The “riders” were timed, and the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners received a small prize. After, we went inside for Kentucky Derby Pie and Mint Juleps. Thanks, Heather, for another creative, fun-filled activity that was enjoyed by all of the members.
Submitted by Sally Jordan, 4-H leader
Jolly Juniors
May has been a busy month for the Jolly Juniors. The month began with the traditional making and delivering May baskets. There were several Cloverbuds that participated in Style Revue. The juniors had a fun time at the Orono Trampoline Park while the Cloverbuds had fun at Playland Adventure. The Cloverbuds weeded the gardens and planted flowers for their community service project at Cave Hill School. Plus the club was busy with their yearly Roadside Clean Up. Brenda Jordan you are to be commended!
4-H: Good Character and Showing at the Fair This Summer
Fair season is upon us and 4-H members are busy getting their projects, demonstrations, and animals ready for exhibit. Making high-quality exhibits or preparing a demonstration or an animal for show takes a lot of time and patience. But also remember that you will be showing something else at the fair, your character.
One of the main reasons we go to fairs is to teach other people about the 4-H program. Learning about and using good character is one of the most important parts of the 4-H program, so all 4-H members are expected to “exhibit” the six pillars of character!
- Before you get to the fair, think about how you are going to prepare to exhibit yourself as a person of good character!
- A person who exhibits good character is trustworthy. Having your own animals for show, being where you say you’re going to be, returning what you borrow, and making sure that your market animals meet food safety standards are all ways you can show trustworthiness.
- A person of character is responsible. Their animals have fresh water, food, and a clean space. Responsible 4-H members do not allow anyone to bother any animal for any reason, even as a joke. Responsible members make sure that their animals are under control and keep the public’s safety foremost in their minds.
- 4-H members of good character are respectful. They treat all other 4-H members, volunteers, and parents politely. They answer questions respectfully even when they have heard the question 100 times already. Respectful behavior means treating judges and other fair officials courteously, accepting judges’ decisions gracefully, congratulating members who win classes, and managing to stay calm and positive when things don’t go their way.
- Fairness and caring should also be shown by 4-H members. Fairness requires that members do their own work and never submit anything as theirs that was not done by them. Fairness means following the rules and treating all fellow competitors as you want them to treat you. 4-H members show caring by sharing their knowledge and equipment with younger members. They do not engage in rough behavior where someone could get hurt. They do not pull pranks on other members of their exhibits.
- Finally, 4-H exhibitors show that they are good citizens. They are in their area when they are supposed to be there and help keep it neat and attractive. They are on time for shows and events, and they follow the 4-H rules of the fair.
- Every member should make sure what you “show” of yourself is blue ribbon quality!
Pre-Fair News
By Christy Fitzpatrick, Former Aroostook County Extension Educator
Fair time will be here before we know it. It’s time to start getting ourselves and our animals ready to go!
Am I ready for fair?
Have I thought about how I will use my Fair experience in the future? Am I responsible, respectful, trustworthy, fair, caring, and a good citizen?
- How will I make sure that my animals are well taken care of during fair?
- How will I support other 4-H members?
- How can I show respect to 4-H volunteers, judges, fair staff and the public?
- What can I do to make the fair the best experience possible for everyone attending?
Are my exhibits ready for fair?
- Is my project going to represent my best effort and my ongoing project work?
- Have I read the requirements for the exhibit carefully?
- Have I prepared a life skills wheel and an Exhibit Judging card ready for each exhibit?
- How is my project record for my exhibits coming along?
Are my animals ready for Fair?
- Am I doing everything necessary to make sure my animals will have a safe and stress-free fair?
- Have all my animals that need an approved rabies vaccine, received it?
- Have I checked with my vet to see what other vaccinations my animals might need?
- Am I working with my animal EVERY day to make sure it is ready to be shown?
- Are my forms all collected in a notebook including my animal approval and lease forms, vaccination and other immunization forms and registration papers?
Here are some more tips to help get your animals ready for fair….
- Start preparing animals 30-60 days before fair. Get them used to as many fair conditions as possible including noise, being tied or confined, being with other animals, being around strangers. Start them on the same feeding schedule they will be on at the fair.
- To make sure animals drink enough during fair, add a little molasses or a few drops of lemon juice to their drinking water to cover up the taste about 2 weeks before fair. Then add it to the water at the fair.
- If hooves need to be trimmed, do these 2-3 weeks before fair so they will have time to toughen.
- If you are raising a market animal, make sure that you are aware of withdrawal times for anything you put into or on your animal. Make sure you have accurate records. Remember that your animal will be processed either during or after fair and that you are responsible for ensuring that your buyer has a safe product!
- Make sure the trailer you are using is clean and disinfected.
State News
Maine 4-H Days
Maine 4-H Days will take place July 20-22, 2018 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. If you do not have online access, please contact your local county office for paper copies of the forms. Find information and registration materials on the Maine 4-H Days page. Registration opens on June 1st. For more information or with any questions, please contact Sarah Sparks at sarah.sparks@maine.edu or 207.353.5550.
4-H Summer Camp Programs, Register Now!
Registration is open for summer programs at the UMaine 4-H Centers at Blueberry Cove, Bryant Pond, and Tanglewood for youth ages 8-17. Camps start up June 24 and run through August 18 with week-long, two-week, and mini-camp sessions to fit your needs. Campers shape their experience through activity choice (STEM, swimming, archery, gardening, watershed and marine ecology, creative arts, boating, drama, group challenge and primitive skills), on adventures and trips, eating delicious home-cooked meals, and in wicked evening programs. Teen Leadership Programs build conscious young adults, through teamwork and community stewardship, and teach canoeing/backpacking skills while exploring Maine’s beautiful woods and waterways. Special scholarships for 4-H youth from the Maine 4-H Foundation and some scholarships for Conservation Education camps through Inland Fisheries and Wildlife at Tanglewood and Bryant Pond. To learn more visit the 4-H Camps and Learning Centers page. or contact your local office. Hancock County scholarships are available, see 4-H News!
2018 American Goat Federation Youth Scholarship Program
To encourage education and development of youth involved in the goat industry, AGF will accept scholarship applications from qualifying youth who enter and complete all requirements of the program. Projects must be received at the AGF office by August 20, 2018, and the Scholarship Application accompanied by a short biography must be received at the office No Later than 30 days prior to August 20, 2018. Entries will be judged by an independent panel and winners will be announced September 2018.
Applicants must be between the ages of 12 and 20, and under the age of 21 as of September 30, 2017. Applicants must be a member of the American Goat Federation, the child, grandchild, great-grandchild or stepchild, step grandchild or step great grandchild of a member of the American Goat Federation, or of any of the following member organizations of the American Goat Federation:
- The American Boer Goat Association (including Jr Association)
- The American Dairy Goat Association
- Alabama Meat Goat and Sheep Producers Association
- Cashmere Goat Association
- Texas Sheep and Goat Breeders Association
For more information visit The American Goat Federation website.
Oxford County 4-H June Jamboree Livestock Clinic, Working Steer and Horse Clinic
Oxford County 4-H June Jamboree Livestock Clinic, Working Steer, and Horse Clinic is being held June 8th through June 10th at the Fryeburg Fair Grounds, 1154 Main Street, Fryeburg Maine. Workshops are designed for youth completing project work in the areas of sheep, swine, working steer and horse. Horseless riders are also welcome. Rabies vaccines will be available. A Big E Try Out for Working Steer is being held Sunday Morning.
Workshops will include washing, clipping, showmanship, animal handling and learning activities around zoonotic diseases.
There is a $20.00 registration fee for everyone attending. Camper space is available and meals will be provided starting with breakfast Saturday morning through lunch on Sunday. Check-in begins Friday evening after 5:00 p.m.
For more information about Oxford County June Jamboree please email maisy.cyr@maine.edu or rebecca.mosley@maine.edu. This event is open to 4-H Families from all counties. Adults and youth must pre-register online due to insurance regulations and to help with meal and activity planning. Register on the 4-H June Jamboree Livestock Clinic page. Registration deadline is May 25th.
Maine Junior Solar Sprint
Saturday June 2, 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Paris Elementary School
The Junior Solar Sprint is a National competition for 5th-8th graders, designed to help youth use ingenuity and the engineering design process to create a solar-powered vehicle. Students learn valuable hands-on science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills, while also learning about the benefits and importance of renewable energy. This spring, hundreds of students across the State of Maine have been creating solar-powered cars in their classrooms, after-school programs, 4-H Clubs, and more. The public is more than welcome to attend this fun-filled and exciting state final race! Awards will be given out in the following categories: craftsmanship, creative recycling, kids’ choice, innovation, technical merit, and speed. We would like to especially thank our 2018 sponsors; please check out the Junior Solar Sprint page on our website for more information.
Photo Contest!
We know we make a huge difference in the lives of Maine youth through 4-H. I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication our 4-H staff makes across Maine. The Maine 4-H Foundation had a great year in 2017 raising over $748,000 in donations and investment income! A great deal of this funding was restricted to your programs! Good job! Our goal for 2018 is to continue to increase our support to 4-H programs across Maine. To make this happen the Maine 4-H Foundation needs to hear about your great programs and see youth in action! Becky Mosley suggested a statewide photo contest and the Foundation Board agreed! Photos make all of the difference! The Maine 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce a new youth, volunteer and staff photo contest. To win, submit as many photos (with photo releases) as you like to Susan Jennings by September 1, 2018. Photos need to be originals, have a photo release (for people in the photo) and include the copyright release from the photographer. They need to be digitally submitted to susan.jennings@maine.edu. Please add your name, email contact, age and photo release information.
Youth and Volunteer Prize(s):
- Grand prize for the best overall photo: Something 4-H Awesome!
- Prizes given in all divisions (Youth age up to 8, 9-12, 13 and up, volunteers)
- 1st Prize: $100 gift card
- 2nd Prize: $75 gift card
- 3rd Prize: $50 gift card
- Staff Prize: $500 on account at the Maine 4-H Foundation that you can use for a special 4-H program, event, workshop, conference or donor challenge.
Questions? Call Susan Jennings at 207.615.7300
Susan Jennings, Maine 4-H Foundation
Youth Field Day
The University of Maine 4-H Camp & Learning Center at Bryant Pond will be hosting our annual Youth Field Day on June 3 from 9:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m.. Youth Field Day is a free community day open to everyone! Bring the family, friends, neighbor or anyone that would enjoy a fun day, outdoors. We offer over 20 program areas that you can simply drop in or out of at your pace.
Activities will include archery, trout fishing, geology, wildlife ecology, canoeing and kayaking, farm and garden tours, and a great deal more. Lunch is provided for $5.00 per person. Plan to join us for a few hours, or the day! You may also plan a picnic lunch on your own. We have a hiking trail to the summit of Mt Christopher for folks that would like to stay longer. For more information, email: ronald.fournier@maine.edu
University of Maine 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training
The 4-H Shooting Sports program has been steadily growing and the demand for new instructors is growing quickly. This training is for anyone that would like to create a 4-H club that offers archery, rifle, or other disciplines. It is also for folks that simply want to be able to offer shooting activities at outreach events, rod and gun clubs, etc. Instructors than have access to the equipment held by the Maine 4-H Shooting Sports program to support these activities. The training is a Saturday-Sunday program and includes meals and lodging right here at Bryant Pond 4-H. We are offering instruction in Archery, Rifle, Shotgun, or Pistol. You can find more information on the 4-H Shooting Sports Instructor Training Workshops page or you can call 207.665.2068
4-H National Trip (Congress and Conference) and Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) Winners
We recently held interviews for National Trips in Lisbon and Orono. Please join us in congratulating the following winners for this year’s National Trips, and also the delegates selected for the Citizenship Washington Focus trip in July. We are proud to have you represent Maine 4-H!
Winners for the National 4-H Congress will be traveling to Atlanta, Georgia in November are Faith D. from Franklin County, Sophie P. and Amelia S. from Cumberland County, Mackensie S. from Waldo County, and the alternate if someone cannot make the trip, will be Gabrielle H. from Piscataquis County.
Winners for the National 4-H Conference will be traveling to Washington DC in April 2019 are Janie B. from Kennebec County, Andrew D. from Franklin County, Jessica F. from Cumberland County, Mackenzy L. from Kennebec County and the alternate if someone cannot make the trip will be Devyn H. from Cumberland County.
Delegates to Citizenship Washington Focus (CWF) that will be traveling to Washington DC, the week of the 4th of July are: Samuel P. from Washington County, Savannah and Nathan D. from Knox Lincoln County, Marcus V., Ana S., Abbie K., and Ryan I., from Waldo County, Eugene L. from Kennebec County, Bradley S., Noah and Caleb M., Allison B. from Franklin County, Don S., Natalie D, Matthew D., Lauren P. from Cumberland County, Josiah D from Penobscot County, Gretchen G., Richard H. from Somerset County, Jacob M. from Oxford County.
Hancock County 4-H Leaders’ Association
May 8, 2018
Members Present: Dwight Sargent, Carla Sccochi, Lee Sargent, Terry Swazey, Liz Duke, Audra Porter, and Heather Linnehan
April Minutes: Motion to accept as written was made and passed.
Treasurer’s Report: $1,250 in donations in memory of Tyler Baez. Thank you notes have been sent. Otherwise, expenses are good; motion to accept the report as read was made and passed.
Secretary’s Report: Was accepted as written in the May newsletter.
Club Reports
Rails N’ Trails: Cathy Thomas, 4-H Leader in Gardener, lent us a set of horse bones minus the head. Club explored and put together the bones. Quite a few kids going to Jamboree.
Horse & Rider: Our Furry Husky Rescue in Mariaville: Rema Mitchell was willing to teach them to drive but they needed to volunteer beforehand. A few kids were interested in doing. Heather and family went to the wettest Kentucky Derby in history, they had fun in the rain.
Horse of Course: Met and worked on leading horses and used Mabel a donkey to work with. Carla visited and took photos of the kids.
Free 2 Be: Carla visited and the kids were picking out four goat “kids” to give to Tanglewood.
Old Business
Style Revue: Seven kids to be judged tomorrow, 15-20 participants. May 10th is the rehearsal, May 11th at 6:00 p.m.
4H@UMaine: Discussion and the final passed motion is to give each $40 for the registration fee. Teen leaders will receive $40 as well.
New Business
Jamboree: Registration is online. Voted to purchase 4 horse panels per horse that come to Jamboree with a limit of 10 sets for a total of 40 panels, Lisa and Audra will make the final decision of where to purchase. 2 horse kids registered so far, six are known to be planning to come. Lee shared that a Waldo County Horse Club would like to come. Set up day is Wednesday, June 6th. Next Jamboree meeting: Monday, May 21st, 2018 at 6:00 at the Extension Office. Mentioned painting the steps inside of the Exhibit Hall either white or green.
Food Booth: Motion to negotiate the best deal with Livewire Electric and hire him to do the work. Grill: the fireproof backing board will be completed in the next two weeks by Bill Carney.
Blue Hill Fair: Exhibits will be due to be turned in on Tuesday, August 28th from 3:00-7:00 p.m. and judged on Wednesday, August 29th. Painting possibly done at Jamboree or maybe Heather’s club.
Office: Scholarship review forms were given to Terry and Dwight for participants. Thank you to the Executive Committee for reviewing the forms for us.
EIN numbers: Clubs now have the option to have the office take over reporting to the IRS instead of being responsible themselves. This would require an address change which also means club bank statements would go to the Extension Office – but then they would forward them to the club. If you do not report each year and you miss three years you will lose your EIN number, so this is a way to take the burden off. As far as we know right now, all Hancock clubs have valid EIN numbers. Contact Carla if you are interested in transferring this responsibility to the office.
Meeting Adjourned 8:02 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Terry Swazey, Secretary Substitute
Cooking With The Kids
Fair Time is Coming! Blue Ribbon Recipe! — Recipe by Penn State & USDA
Easy Rhubarb Pineapple Jam
- 5 cups chopped fresh rhubarb
- 2 ½ ups sugar
- 8 ounces crushed pineapple, drained
- 1 (3 ounces) package strawberry flavor gelatin
In Dutch oven or large saucepan, combine rhubarb, sugar, pineapple; mix well. Bring to a boil and boil 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove from heat. Add package of gelatin and mix well. Pour into clean, hot sterilized 1/2 pint jars and add lids and covers leaving 1/2 inch headspace. Can be frozen, stored in the refrigerator for 1 month, or processed in a hot water bath for 10 minutes and kept for several months in a dark, cool place.
Taken from Somerset County Cooperative Extension 4-H Footnotes