News & Events

Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: August 17, 2018

David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist; Frank Drummond, Professor of Insect Ecology/Entomology Captures of spotted wing drosophila (SWD) fruit flies in vinegar/yeast traps in raspberry and highbush blueberry plantings increased significantly at some locations this week, and is above threshold levels at most sites. Our highest counts of the […]

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Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: August 10, 2018

David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist; Frank Drummond, Professor of Insect Ecology/Entomology Captures of spotted wing drosophila (SWD) fruit flies in vinegar/yeast traps in raspberry and highbush blueberry plantings are now increasing in most locations, and at most sites counts rose above threshold levels, including one site with over […]

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Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: August 6, 2018

David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist; Frank Drummond, Professor of Insect Ecology/Entomology Captures of spotted wing drosophila (SWD) fruit flies in vinegar/yeast traps in raspberry and highbush blueberry plantings remained low in most locations, although at two sites ((Limington, Readfield) counts rose above threshold levels. (See table below.) The […]

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Spotted Wing Drosophila Alert: July 27, 2018

David Handley, Vegetable and Small Fruit Specialist; James Dill, Pest Management Specialist; Frank Drummond, Professor of Insect Ecology/Entomology We continue to capture spotted wing drosophila fruit flies in vinegar/yeast traps in raspberry and highbush blueberry plantings this week, but mostly in low numbers. (See table below.) While these counts may indicate that populations are still […]

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