Photo Gallery: Beneficials
Some of these can sometimes be a household nuisance–for example, ladybugs and ants–or even dangerous in the case of certain spiders or various stinging insects such as yellowjackets and hornets. However, they all play a beneficial role in nature. For a better understanding of their beneficial role, visit our bulletin: Beneficial Insects and Spiders in Your Maine Backyard. Also, you may like to have a look at this helpful resource about Insectary Plants (part of a free online resource to help you discover and grow various plant species).
Allegheny Mound Ants in Bristol, Maine
Photo taken: 7/19/2017
Ambush Bugs
Bald-faced Hornet (Dolichovespula maculata) (technically a type of yellowjacket) (shown here holding the remnants of an insect which was probably preyed upon by the hornet)
Blood-Colored Checkered Beetle (Zenodosus sanguineus) (These beetles are predators of woodboring insects) (Bridgton, ME; 10/20/2023) (Photo courtesy of Rebecca Long, UMaine Extension)
Bumblebee (Sometimes written as two words)
Bumblebee (queen)
Honey Bee (Sometimes written as one word)
Honey Bee visiting a cranberry blossom
American Carrion Beetle (Necrophila americana) (Etna, ME; 6/12/2012)
Margined Carrion Beetle (Oiceoptoma noveboracense) (Etna, ME; 4/11/2010)
Autumn Meadowhawk (dragonfly)
Dragonflies (the nymphs are aquatic)
Additional dragonfly images
Bronze Ground Beetle (“Bronze Carabid”) (Carabus nemoralis) (Stetson, ME; 5/21/2009)
Bronze Ground Beetle (“Bronze Carabid”) (Carabus nemoralis) (Etna, ME; 4/3/2010)
Gold-marked Thread-waisted Wasp (Eremnophila aureonotata) (Rockport, ME; 8/30/2020)
Great Golden Digger Wasp (Sphex ichneumoneus) (Photo courtesy of Jennifer Morton; Detroit, Maine; 8/19/2021)
A species of Ichneumonidae wasp (Therion circumflexon) (North Anson, ME; 5/23/2024) (Photo courtesy of Carol Lehto)
Ladybug Larva
Ladybug Larva with Green Peach Aphids
Ladybug larva on a cranberry leaf
Convergent Lady Beetle (Hippodamia convergens) (voracious aphid predator; used commercially in biological control programs)
Two-spotted Lady Beetles (aphid predators) (Adalia bipunctata)
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle (adults feed on aphids, thrips, mites, scale insects and other soft-bodied arthropods)
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle — ID Tip: The large, black ‘W’ pattern that can be seen just behind the head is a handy way of identifying the Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle from other types of ladybugs.
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle on a rose leaf
Group of Multicolored Asian Lady Beetles (adults move indoors in search of warm places to spend the winter)
Multicolored Asian Lady Beetle
Monarch caterpillars (5th and final instar stage) (on host plant, milkweed)
A young Monarch butterfly resting on a rose (central Maine)
American Lady Butterfly (Vanessa virginiensis) (Boothbay, Maine; 9/1/2008) (also called American Painted Lady and very similar to Vanessa cardui)
Painted Lady Butterfly (Vanessa cardui) (Schoodic Point in Winter Harbor, Maine; 10/10/2017)
Praying Mantids
(also written as Praying Mantises)
Carolina Mantis (Stagmomantis carolina)
A species of pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpions are considered beneficial organisms as they eat a large number of tiny pest invertebrates.)
Red Flat Bark Beetle (Cucujus clavipes) (they are predators on other insects) (York County, ME; April 11th, 2022) (Photo courtesy of P. Wirth)
Robber Fly (female Efferia aestuans) (Scarbarough, ME; 7/17/2022)
Robber Fly (female Efferia aestuans) (Scarbarough, ME; 7/17/2022)
Rove Beetle (possibly Ocypus nitens)
Gold-and-brown Rove Beetle (Ontholestes cingulatus) (Boothbay Harbor, ME; 6/3/2011)
Hairy Rove Beetle (Creophilus maxillosus); Etna, ME, 6/9/2018.
Hairy Rove Beetle; Etna, ME, 6/9/2018 (same specimen from the adjacent photo, but here it is displaying its defensive, ball-like posture)
Springtails (Photo courtesy of C Senn. Lincolnville, ME; 3/11/2016)
Closeup of a Springtail
Springtails collected from a cranberry bog
Spring Firefly larva (Genus Pyractomena) (5/10/2024; Fort Kent, ME) (Photo courtesy of Rebeccah Douglas-Leblond)
A species of Syrphid fly: Toxomerus marginatus
Toxomerus marginatus feeding on nectar from a hop clover flower.
Syrphid Fly – Photo courtesy of Dana Wilde from Unity, ME (mid July 2013)
Drone Fly/Dronefly (a type of syrphid fly which mimics a honey bee drone, such as Eristalis tenax)
Another specimen of a species of syrphid fly called a Drone Fly (sometimes written as one word: Dronefly)
An example of a Hover fly or Syrphid fly that mimics bee/wasp-like patterning
Tachinid Fly (most members act as parasitoids on caterpillars, beetles, grasshoppers, etc.)
Tachinid fly (likely Hystricia abrupta) (Newburgh, ME; 7/28/2020) The adults of this species feed on nectar and their larvae develop inside caterpillars (Photo courtesy of J Atherton)
Pair of mating Tachinid flies (Juriniopsis adusta) (Alfred, ME; 7/11/2024) (Photo courtesy of Judee Meyer)
Pair of mating Tachinid flies (Juriniopsis adusta) (Alfred, ME; 7/11/2024) (Photo courtesy of Judee Meyer)
Tachinid Fly – Photo courtesy of Ashley Anderson (Dayton, ME) (July 2013)
Tachinid Fly – Photo courtesy of Ashley Anderson (Dayton, ME) (July 2013)
A Tachinid fly in the genus Cylindromyia (they are common flower visitors in open/weedy areas)
Tachinid Fly
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata) (Orono, ME; 5/12/2022) (Photo credit: courtesy of Edward S. Grew)
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata) feeding on a mosquito
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle (Cicindela sexguttata)
Guinea Paper Wasps (Polistes exclamans)
Golden Paper Wasp (also known as Northern Paper Wasp)
Catskill Potter Wasp (Ancistrocerus catskill) (Troy, ME; 6/17/2008) (This wasp is a solitary species of Vespid wasp in the group known as Potter and Mason wasps.)
A sand wasp (Bicyrtes ventralis) (Troy, Maine; 7/29/2009) Sand wasps are solitary, non-aggressive and beneficial.
Common Aerial Yellowjacket
American Yellowjacket / Alaska Yellowjacket (Vespula alascensis) (female worker) (Searsport, ME; 7/23/2023)