
The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry Proposes Expansion of Quarantines to Slow the Spread of Three Tree Killing Invasive Species

The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry proposes expanding three forest protection quarantines to slow the spread of emerald ash borer, hemlock woolly adelgid, and European larch canker. Opportunities for public comment include public hearings at two sites and through a virtual option on September 6, 2023, at 10:00 AM, at the Maine Forest […]

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September 12, 2023, 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. EDT Brian Eshenaur, of the New York State IPM Program, will provide over Zoom a free overview of spotted lanternfly (SLF), an invasive planthopper that’s both a nuisance and a threat to vineyards and other crops. The first confirmed U.S. find of SLF was in 2014 in […]

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Mile-a-Minute Weed Detected in Maine

The Department of Agriculture Conservation and Forestry has recently verified the first known occurrence of mile-a-minute weed (Persicaria perfoliata) in Maine. This potentially very serious wee apparently arrived with ornamental plants. If you encounter a vine resembling mile-a-minute weed, please visit the Maine Natural Areas webpage for identification information. If the plant matches the description, […]

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Invasive Plant Biologist Vacancy with the Maine Natural Areas Program

The Maine Natural Areas Program seeks to fill a Biologist II (Invasive Plant Biologist) vacancy in Augusta, Maine. The Invasive Plant Biologist will be responsible for leading, managing, and implementing MNAP’s collaborative invasive plant initiatives and will serve as an expert resource on the topic of terrestrial invasive plants statewide.

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Forest Ecologist Vacancy with the Maine Natural Areas Program

The Maine Natural Areas Program seeks to fill a Biologist II (Forest Ecologist) vacancy in Augusta, Maine. The Forest Ecologist will be responsible for overseeing, prioritizing, and conducting field-based inventory and research to document the location, condition, and status of Maine’s natural communities and ecosystems of statewide significance and rare, threatened, and endangered plant species.

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New York State Invasive Species Expo

The 2023 New York State Invasive Species Expo will take place on September 24-26, 2023. This is a unique conference focusing on invasive species, and will combine classic presentations and creative use of outdoor space to appeal to a wide range of attendees. The Expo will be an immersive, hands-on experience featuring: Unique presentations Interactive […]

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Annual Meeting of the North American Invasive Species Management Association

31st Annual NAISMA Conference: Foundations for Success (North American Invasive Species Management Association) October 16 – 19, 2023 | Lincoln, Nebraska  Hear the latest on invasive species management research and strategies from experts at three plenaries, 50+ talks, poster sessions, and special networking events at this year’s NAISMA annual conference. Conference registration includes discounted hotel […]

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Two Seasonal Job Openings

We’re hiring in the Downeast Region and in the Waterville area. Both of these positions are on forest inventory crews. Truck is assigned, Start your day when you get in the truck in your dooryard in the morning, Spend your days in the woods. Four-10 hour day workweek with opportunity for overtime during the summer, […]

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Emerald Ash Borer Awareness Week, May 22-28

Hear from researchers and managers alike over the course of three live webinars in two days. We’ll talk about communication strategies and public acceptance of EAB management, what’s going on in Oregon and other states as EAB spreads in the West, and findings on EAB survivability in extreme cold temperatures. Go here for more information […]

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Job Opening for a Field Technician

BRIEF JOB DESCRIPTION: The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry (DACF) is looking to fill a single position for contracted work for a total of 640 hours of work to be completed between June and October 2023. During the majority of the season, 40-hour work weeks will be the typical schedule, however, the position […]

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