Knox-Lincoln 4-H Newsletter—September 2021
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Upcoming Events and Important Dates
September 14 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
September 30 Project Records and Cloverbud Activity Records due
September 30 Entries due for the 2021 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photography Contest
October 1 Start of 4-H year 2022
October 6-17 Fall 2021 Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply Stores
October 12 KLLA Meeting, 6pm, Extension office, Waldoboro, and Zoom
October 15 Award Nominations due from leaders
TBD 2021 4-H Achievement Celebration
September Birthdays
Happy Birthday to Natalie C. and Jordan O.!
4-H at Union Fair 2021
Union Fair certainly looked different this year! It was great to see everyone who was able to participate! The Exhibition Yurt held just over 100 projects…impressive! All of our usual shows went smoothly. The Horse Clinic did not happen this time, but there is always next year. The Rabbit, Small Domestic Pet and Working Steer shows, as well as the Cloverbud Demonstration show, did all take place. We even had a 4-H member enter the Union Fair car show! And of course, many Knox-Lincoln 4-H members participated in the Youth Beef, Sheep and Livestock Showmanship events at Union Fair. It sounds like the Youth Auction was a success as well!
Thank you to all of the members and volunteers who did everything that they could to make Union Fair 2021memorable and to show the best face of 4-H! Here are some highlights…
- 4-H Small Domestic Pet Show at Union Fair—Cindy Rogers photo
Project and Activity Records Due September 30
4-H members are encouraged to complete a project record for projects in which they have participated during the 2020/2021 4-H year. Despite the uncommon and challenging 4-H year, it is important to reflect on your experiences and set goals for the upcoming year. In order to be considered for recognition at the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Achievement Celebration, 4-H members need to complete a project record form and submit it for judging by September 30.
Please note, you do not need to be finished with your project to complete a project record. We understand that many 4-H projects are ongoing and do not end at the same time as the 4-H year. If you are filing a project record for an ongoing or unfinished project, simply enter the information for your project up to the current date.
Judged records will be returned and awards announced at the 4-H Achievement Awards Celebration, date to be determined. The Project Record form and Cloverbud Activity Record form and instructions can be found at Contact your club leader or this office if you have questions or need help!
Enter the All-Digital 2021 Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photo Contest

Round up those photos for the Knox-Lincoln 4-H Photography Contest 2021! Once again, all entries must be submitted digitally. The top photos per age category will be exhibited in the 4-H Gallery at the Knox-Lincoln Extension office.
This contest is open to any Knox-Lincoln 4-H member age 9 and up. Entries will be accepted through September 30, 2021. Members can enter up to four photos taken between October 1, 2020 and September 30, 2021. Find more information at In the meantime, keep snapping those great photos! Contact Cindy Rogers at 207.832.0343 or if you have questions.
Nominations Sought for 4-H Awards
Leader nominations for the following individual and club awards are due October 15: Team Player, Treasurer, Secretary, Community Service, Leadership, Citizenship, Katherine Watier Green Award. The nomination forms for these awards will be emailed to primary club leaders.
During the fair season, a few outstanding 4-Hers may be chosen to receive the 4-H Character Award. This honor may be awarded to a 4-Her who carries out his or her project and who treats other 4-H members, fair colleagues, spectators, and their animals (when applicable) according to the six pillars of character: Responsibility, Trustworthiness, Respect, Caring, Fairness and Citizenship.
Nominations for the 2021 4-H Character Award, may be submitted to Knox-Lincoln Extension Office, 377 Manktown Road, Waldoboro, ME 04572 or via email by September 30, 2021. The form is posted here:
Who Doesn’t Like Chickens? 
As 4-Hers I’m sure you’re all aware of the benefits and satisfaction of raising and caring for poultry. What could be more fun than sharing and showing your favorite birds to scores of other poultry fanciers that are just as excited about their birds as you are? There is a whole community of exhibition poultry enthusiasts known as the Central Maine Bird Fanciers Club just waiting for you to meet, learn from, and enjoy. We have an active and informative program designed for both novice and more experienced poultry enthusiasts.
CMBF’s Showmanship program is designed to help youth learn some of the basics of poultry husbandry in a friendly setting. We hold the sessions at our annual spring and fall shows at Windsor Fairgrounds, and several other fair poultry shows that our club sponsors.
If you would enjoy sharing your interest, knowledge and passion for poultry, and enjoy friendly competition with others who share your interest, contact Linda Blackman, 207-832-6130 and join us at one of our sponsored poultry shows.
State 4-H Office Core Newsletter
The Art of Math: Maine 4-H STEM Toolkit of the Month
Each month we will be highlighting a different 4-H STEM Toolkit available from UMaine Cooperative Extension 4-H Program!
The Art of Math activities include sessions on Patterns and the Fibonacci Sequence, Symmetry, Shapes, Geometry, and end with a building challenge! This kit can be used with upper elementary aged youth (4th – 6th or so). It was used virtually last spring for the 4-H STEM Ambassador program, and most of the activities worked well. Learn more about this, and other 4-H STEM Toolkits online, where you can see what is available for different age groups or topic areas.
K-12 Planetarium Field Trips at the Versant Power Astronomy Center
The Versant Power Astronomy Center (formerly Emera Astronomy Center) would like to share the news that they have over 50 different programs that cover not just astronomy and space exploration, but also biology, chemistry, climate science, earth science, engineering, history and more! We have programs for all age levels which match with the Next Generation Science Standards, so do explore our offerings.
A full list of their offerings can be found at and for general information see which has a variety of online resources and our full public program schedule. If you have any questions about our programs, feel free to contact me directly at or
New England 4-H Summer Show Survey
Please share your thoughts on the 4-H Summer Show, whether your group attended or did not attend. We want to hear what you think! Please share this with others who are interested in the Summer 4-H Show and other New England 4-H activities. This survey is one way to get voices heard from Maine that we would prefer the ESE experience during the Big E vs. the summer show experience. Follow this link to the survey: Take the Survey. OR copy and paste this url into your browser: