May 2019

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Be sure to scroll down to see State 4-H Office Core Newsletter, too!

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Upcoming Events and Important Dates

May 10  Registration opens for Maine 4-H Days (7/19-7/21)

May 17-19  Northeast Livestock Exposition (NELE), Windsor Fairgrounds

May 21  KLLA Meeting 6pm, KL UMaine Extension

May 31  4-H Farm-to-Fair Youth Helper applications due

May 31-June 1  4-H@UMaine: Connecting Kids to Campus, University of Maine, Orono

June 19  KLLA Meeting 6pm

June 30  4-H Animal Approval and Lease forms due (some commodity exceptions; refer to – Find tips on filling out these forms in an article below.

July 1 Apply for Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors (MALE) membership/insurance

May Birthdays

Happy Birthday to Charlie Chamberlain, Xavier Cummings, Kyra Belcher, Paytyn Dyer, Anthony Dube, Kylee Huard, Anna Possee, Margaret Gleasner, Arianna Cloutier, and Aspen Dyer!

State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament Results

Group of 4-H youth at public Speaking Tournament

Eleven Knox-Lincoln 4-H members participated and earned Blue Ribbons at the State 4-H Public Speaking Tournament at DP Corbett Hall on the Orono campus of the University of Maine on April 6! Forty-six 4-H members from around the state participated. Junior Demonstration–Sabrinnah Dube, Anthony Dube; Junior Illustrated Talk–Sadie Olmsted, Adam Eaton, Isabelle Baker, Kelsie Huard, Kylee Huard; Senior Illustrated Talk–Nathan Dube, Julia Benson, Elizabeth Eaton, Jeremy Dube. In the overall scoring, Sadie Olmsted and Nathan Dube tied for highest score statewide! The day went quite smoothly and all participants should be proud of their achievements! A big thanks to volunteers from our counties, including judges Linda Bonin and Jesse Bonin.

Four Knox-Lincoln Delegates Chosen for CWF Trip

Congratulations to Savannah Dube, Nathan Dube, Jeremy Dube and Sadie Olmsted of the Jolly Farmers
4-H Club for being accepted as delegates to participate in Citizenship Washington Focus in July! They are among 40 members from across Maine who will be traveling to our nation’s capital. Through the exchange of ideas and social interaction with youth from around the country, 4-H Citizenship Washington Focus participants learn the importance of civic and social responsibility in order to become more engaged, proactive citizens and leaders. We look forward to hearing about your experiences when you return!

International Assoc. of Fairs Tour Union Fairgrounds, Farm-to-Fair

Thank you to all 4-H members, leaders and families who helped clean and set up 4-H Farm-to-Fair on April 10 in preparation for tours of the exhibit by members of the International Association of Fairs and Expositions (IAFE). Aldermere Achievers and Jolly Farmers 4-H Clubs were well represented and made quick work of the project!

On April 13, IAFE members from Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Brunswick, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Pennsylvania, Prince Edward Island, Quebec, Rhode Island, and Vermont were treated to tours of 4-H Farm-to-Fair lead by Jolly Farmers members Anthony, Jeremy, Nathan, Sabrinnah and Savannah Dube, and Sadie Olmsted. Thank you all for your service!

Help Wanted: 4-H Farm-to-Fair Youth Helpers

The Knox-Lincoln 4-H Leaders’ Association is seeking two teen 4-H members, plus one alternate, to assist 4-H staff at the 4-H Farm-to-Fair interactive exhibit at Union Fair (August 17-24, 2019). Scholarship funds will be awarded to the assistants based on number of hours contributed. These funds may be used by the youth to attend Citizenship Washington Focus, 4-H National Congress, 4-H National Conference, Leadership Development Programs at Tanglewood, Blueberry Cove or Bryant Pond 4-H Camps, or other Extension staff-approved leadership program.

The Youth Helper position carries more commitment and responsibility than simply volunteering to help. Youth chosen for this position will assist staff and adult volunteers in overseeing the operation of the exhibit. This includes (but not limited to) getting the exhibit ready to open or close for the day (depending on shift), making sure barns are stocked with “products” while the exhibit is open, supporting volunteers and filling in when they need a break. Successful candidates will be comfortable speaking to the public, answering questions, and assisting staff in training and leading volunteers.

Each youth chosen must commit to one shift (3 ½ hours) each day that they are scheduled to help during Union Fair. The number of shifts and days required will be worked out with members and families as youth are chosen, but at least 6 shifts are expected during the run of the fair. Successful candidates must be 13 years or older. A mature 12-year-old may be considered if they are recommended by a 4-H leader or 4-H staff member. Applications due May 31, 2019.

For details and an application, visit or contact Kathryn or Cindy at 207.832.0343,,

Community Groups Sought as 4-H Farm-to-Fair Volunteers

Do you know any community groups, civic organizations or businesses that might offer volunteer groups for our 4-H Farm-to-Fair exhibit at Union Fair in August? Does your club want to take a shift? Please contact Kathryn or Cindy,, 207.832.0343.

2019 Union Fair Important Information

The 2019 4-H Union Fair Information Booklet is now available on the Knox-Lincoln UMaine Extension website. Click here to view and download: This is where you will find information, guidelines and entry forms you will need for entering 4-H Exhibits and Animal Shows at Union Fair. The same information will also be included in Union Fair’s Premium Book.

Tips for Filling Out the 4-H Animal Approval Form

Any youth age 9-18 who plans to participate in 4-H livestock shows in 2019 must complete and submit an Approval Form for 4-H Animal Show. If a member is leasing an animal to show, a Maine 4-H Contract for Rental/Lease of All Animals is also required. Animal Approval forms are NOT required for showing rabbits, poultry or small domestic pets (except dogs, which DO require the Animal Approval form). Both of these forms can be downloaded at and are due June 30 for MOST commodities. Please refer to the 4-H Animal Science Resources ( for information specific to your commodity.

When filling out your Animal Approval Form, please keep the following in mind:

-When downloading, be sure to select “shrink to fit page” so that information is not cut off the edges.

-Print form 2-sided.

-Your club leader (or advisor for independent member) must sign on the line immediately after last entry in the list of animals. Be sure to leave time for this before the due date.

-2-sided, signed ORIGINAL forms must be received at your county Extension office no later than the due date. 4-H staff will keep original for office records and return an official, embossed photocopy to you. This embossed copy is what you will need to have with you each time you participate in a 4-H livestock show.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact your club leader or 4-H staff.

Plan Your 4-H Club Exhibit—Independents, too!

Photo of embryology 4-H exhibit

4-H Club Exhibits at Union Fair may be submitted by 4-H clubs and pairs or groups of independent members enrolled in Knox or Lincoln Counties. Any club or sub-group within a Knox-Lincoln club can enter a club exhibit. Independent members can work together with other independents on one exhibit. For current guidelines, check the Union Fair Information Booklet: To reserve exhibit space, please contact Cindy Rogers at 207-832-0343 or by July 15, 2019.

Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors Membership Requirement

Nobody may show livestock without this important document of protection. Apply for 2019-2020 MALE membership at Be sure to apply for membership by July 1 so you will receive your membership card in time for Union Fair.

State 4-H Office Core Newsletter

Maine 4-H Days – Registration Opens May 10th: Maine 4-H Days will take place July 19-21 at the Windsor Fairgrounds. Get ready for a fun-filled weekend full of exciting Enrichment & Livestock activities! From Tie-Dye to Relay Races; Fairy Gardens to Composting; Meet an Alpaca or sign up for Poultry Camp – we’ll have something for everyone. Registration opens on May 10th – go to If you are interested in volunteering in any capacity, please contact Jessy Brainerd at or 207.581.3877.

4-H Dog Fun Day – May 11th: A day of fun and learning for all 4-H youth and leaders interested in a dog project. The fun dog day will be held on May 11th in the Chute Arena at the UMaine Witter Farm, 160 University Farm Road, Old Town, very close to the campus.  The event will be held from 8:00 am. to approximately 12:30 pm. Our guest this year will be Megan Arey, who is a 4-H Leader from New Hampshire. Megan works with the New Hampshire Dog Program. Megan will review with attendees and their dogs’ showmanship, obedience, and agility, as well as provide a demonstration on the “Sporting Breed” Megan raises and works with Labrador Retrievers.

Proof of current veterinary vaccination is required for all dogs attending, as well as a kennel, leads, water and treats. A mid-morning snack will be provided for participants. If you would like to attend, please contact Wendy at or 942-7396 to RSVP.

4-H Camp Opportunities for Children of Military Families: There are numerous wonderful programs being offered to children of military families through special grant programs. These Adventure Camps are sponsored by the Department of Defense to provide quality outdoor experiences for children of Service Members in the active, reserve, or guard components. Specific questions about eligibility should be made to the Tanglewood office at 207.789.5868 or

Programs are designed to build self-esteem, trust, teamwork, friendships, skill building, and appreciation of nature through outdoor adventures. Staff of UMaine 4-H Camp and Learning Centers and key outdoor education and adventure partners lead camps. Open sessions for ages 14 – 18 include: Ocean Adventure (6/25 – 6/28 and 6/30-7/5), Coastal STEM Challenge (6/23 – 6/28 and 6/30 – 7/5), and for ages 8 – 14, Make and Create STEM Challenge (7/28 – 8/2). Learn more about all sessions at: To register for these programs, go to: