Author: bjpendleton

Cows and Crops, January 2016

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, Welcome to the New Year! Please help us reach more dairy farmers and your employees! Cows and Crops is now available in a new online format. To receive email announcements when new issues become available, fill out our Cows & Crops Subscription Form. In […]

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Cows and Crops: Next Generation of Robotics

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, I was lucky enough to time my trip to the Netherlands with one of the largest farm shows in the world: “Eurotier” in Hanover, Germany. Of course I thought I could visit the show for a day and gather in all the sights and […]

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Cows and Crops: Waste Not — Want Not

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, I always wondered about my parent’s obsession with tidiness and frugality. My parents emigrated from the Netherlands and moved to the US with my brother and sister in 1955. I was born a few years later. While I definitely inherited the frugality genes, the […]

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Cows and Crops: Happy Cows, Happy Extension Educator!

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, There is nothing comparable to experiencing some comfort food from your childhood. I was able to do that recently when I visited the Netherlands and saw “krokettn” and “bitterballen” on the restaurant menu. Both of these delicacies are the same, except for their shape […]

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Cows and Crops: Keeping Up Appearances

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, No, not a story about a PBS comedy series, but more about dairy farms in the Netherlands and the public perception of those farms. So, during the last two weeks, I visited more than 25 different dairy farms in the Netherlands, including bio-dynamic, organic, […]

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Cows and Crops: Dairy Systems…Always Changing

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, So my visit to the Netherlands has been an education for the scared traveler from Maine. Not only have I experienced driving in Holland, but have witnessed some of the worst traffic jams I have ever seen—but no scared selfies from me, just lots […]

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Cows and Crops

By Rick Kersbergen, Extension Professor, University of Maine Cooperative Extension, “Cows and Crops” was the title of a newsletter that used to be produced by dairy specialists when I first began my Extension career. When I was in school, I thought that the information and the experiences that were shared by the Extension team […]

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