Rats and Other Vermin Control on the Farm

Tuesday, February 23
1:00 PM to 3:00 PM
via Zoom
Register Online
Participants will receive the Zoom link upon registration. The session will be recorded.
Pesticide Recertification Credit: 2 hours
For small-scale livestock and grain farmers:
While viewing wildlife in their natural habitat can be fun, when wildlife invade livestock facilities and grain storage, they can cause major losses. Rats, mice, and other rodents can infest grain and livestock feed and make it un-sellable and un-usable as feed. Wildlife such as racoons, fox, and weasels can invade poultry houses and kill and maim birds. Pastured animals are subject to predation by a number of wildlife species.
Learning how to reduce wildlife losses on the farm to feed, grain, and livestock mortalities with recommended practices will help improve farm profitability.
UMaine Extension is sponsoring this Zoom session with Kathy Murray, IPM Entomologist with Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation, and Forestry (MDACF), along with Adam Vashon, Wildlife Biologist with USDA Animal and Plant Health, Inspection Service (APHIS) Wildlife Services.
Topics will include:
- Keeping rats and mice out of the barn and grain storage areas
- Controlling racoons, fox, and weasels in the hen house and other livestock pens
- Reducing predation of pastured animals
Registration is required with a $5 suggested donation (optional) for the session. Participants will receive the Zoom information after registering for a program. The session will be recorded and shared with participants following the event. If you are unable to attend the live session, please register to receive a copy of the recording and a resource list.
For more information or a reasonable accommodation, please contact Anette Moulton at anette.moulton@maine.edu or 207.564.3301 or 1.800.287.1491 (in Maine)