Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes June 2, 2021
Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes
June 2, 2021
Virtual Meeting (3:00-4:30 PM)
Facilitator: Fran Sulinski
Note taker: Lisa Phelps
Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content of each meeting.
Summer COVID plans & updates
We are waiting for in person program checklists to be updated and they should be online by the end of the week (6/4). We envision our county offices will be more fully utilized but with prior scheduling, for example taking a pesticides exam. We will not be following our HOCs for county offices any longer. Throughout the summer, we are limiting county offices to use of buildings to extension groups. In the Fall, things will be more like pre-Covid. There are different Covid protocols for youth and adult programs with the primary difference being that for youth programs that are held indoors along with wearing a mask there will also need to be 3 feet of social distance between people.
Fundraising Priorities
The UMaine Foundation is seeking information about Extension’s organization-wide priorities that could be a part of UMaine campaign. In addition, Extension should think about projects that a UMaine Foundation fundraiser could help us with. The ELT began to brainstorm ideas and will continue this process over the coming months.
Academic Affairs Annual Report
Hannah has received instructions for the Provost Annual Report, which is due on Friday, July 30th. Jon Prichard will take the lead and create a draft as a google doc and will include information from our NIFA Annual Report and data from the Maine Planning and Reporting System (MPRS). The ELT will review and identify sections of the report that will require additional discussions and data.
Roadmap Steering Committee and ELT involvement
Hannah will send an email to the steering committee in early June regarding next steps. The committee will meet once a month through the end of the year. members of the ELT are invited to attend meetings but the role would be to do more listening and provide guidance as needed. The committee will identify immediate, short term and a handful of longer term goals.
SalesForce: Dennis updated the ELT on progress implementing SalesForce as Cooperative Extension’s unified CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool:
- The SalesForce implementation team has a sandbox version of SalesForce in hand and is taking baby-steps in learning about data uploads and formatting in preparation for consolidating all of Extension’s data in the future. This learning experience will help us better prepare everyone about how to move data from various program and county lists into the SalesForce system, and how to work with it in the future.
- We have also been added to the UMaine System’s solicitation for a SalesForce price proposal and for an implementation consultant. The solicitation is being scored by UMS Procurement and will be awarded in late June, allowing us to begin implementation soon thereafter. Implementation will be in phases starting with the overall database (SalesForce) and communications module (Pardot).
Announcements & Congratulations
Congratulations to Dr. Kristy Ouellette and Extension Educator Mitch Mason principal investigators for a Cooperative Extension outreach project called “Maine 4-H Community Central: Engaging Teens in Workforce Development”. The ongoing project is funded by a grant from USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture and was recently awarded an additional $132,000 to continue the project through 2022. Working with teens and families in two public housing authorities in Maine, 4-H Community Central will strengthen workforce development for teen participants in four targeted areas: STEM (including medical fields), Teacher preparation, The Maine Food System, and Social Justice.
Search Updates
4-H Youth Development Professional – Somerset – Advertising
Administrative Specialist CL2 – Cumberland County – Pending acceptance in HireTouch
Agricultural Engineer Professional – Accepting applications (deadline extended)
Assistant Extension Professor and Fish Nutrition Specialist – Offer stage
Assistant Extension Professor/Dairy Specialist – Screening applicants
Climate Services Specialist/Assistant Extension Professor – Negotiation Stage
Community Education Assistant CL2 – Waldo – Advertising
Instructional Designer – Preparing to interview
Lead Facilities Maintenance Worker CL2 (part-time) – Accepting applications
Program Coordinator – Bryant Pond – Eri Martin hired
Statewide Small Business Educator & Assistant Extension Professor – Advertising