Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes March 15, 2023
Extension Leadership Team Meeting Minutes
March 15, 2023
Via Zoom 10 AM to 2 PM
Facilitator: Fran Sulinski
Note taker: Melissa Arndt
Please note: Due to the confidentiality and sensitivity of some agenda items, these ELT minutes do not represent the full content of each meeting.
Discussion Items
Our ELT Minutes
We discussed logistics about how we use our ELT meeting minutes for internal purposes (sometimes including confidential matters) as well as public sharing and clarified how we will differentiate between the two. After ELT members approve the full meeting minutes (within one week of our meetings), Jon will work with Angela to prepare a meeting summary of discussions and decisions for sharing with the organization.
Recognition and Congratulations
We want to do a better job of recognizing and congratulating staff on special achievements, grants, programs, etc. ELT members will submit items for inclusion in the public ELT meeting minutes and we encourage all staff to share items with an ELT member at any time.
Decision Items
Inclement Weather Policy
We revisited this policy and are exploring ways to make it clear, consistent and operational. Hannah will communicate and remind staff of the policy.
One-time Funding Proposal Requests Process
The ELT has an existing process for considering one-time funding requests from staff. One-time Funding Proposals. We are currently updating this process to best meet the needs of our staff and will share the updated version in the next 1-2 months; meanwhile the existing policy stands.
Ongoing Roadmap Work
The ELT continued conversations and planning around implementing elements of the Organization’s Roadmap process. We will continue to engage with staff and communicate as decisions are made.
Advice Items
Documenting Incidents with Clients or Volunteers
The ELT is developing a process for staff to use in documenting incidents with volunteers and clients as a way to determine how volunteer and client behaviors may be impacting the staff member(s) and/or program(s). The data shared will both document and assist with determining appropriate interventions.
Position Negotiations for New Hires
The ELT is clarifying and making consistent our processes for moving forward hiring and negotiations processes once a search committee process has concluded and been approved by HR. Extension Position negotiation process (Faculty)
Update on New Laptops in Inventory
Currently held by Dennis for dissemination to new employees when appropriate:
Three MacBook Pros 13-in; One Dell Latitude 5430; Four Dell Latitude 5530
May 2023 Date Reschedule
The ELT’s May meeting date has changed to May 23.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Salesforce Strategy
We continue to develop and refine Extension’s policies and strategy for CRM and Salesforce; and we communicate as needed with staff as these continue to evolve.
Announcements & Congratulations
Congratulations to Jason Lilley who welcomed Baby Remy Frances Scherer-Lilley on March 7th at 8lb 1oz & 20″ long! If you would like to send him a message, please reach out directly to Jason at jason.lilley@maine.edu.
Congratulations to Beth Clarke for her award from the Department of Transportation’s 21st Century Workforce Development Transportation grant program. The award of $310,447 is intended to remove transportation barriers to providing teens in western Maine with experiential learning and workforce exposure, specifically in the outdoor recreation and education fields.
Congratulations to Nick Rowley and Mark Hutton on their award of a $269,954 grant from the National Animal Disease Preparedness Response Program (NADPRP) for their project: “Carcass Management Training for Foreign Animal Disease Events’. The project will provide participants with compost technical information, tools and skills to manage large volumes of carcass mortalities through experiential learning, and will lead to faster response times and lower costs during a disease outbreak.
Search Updates
- Admin Specialist CL3, Online Learning Assistant (Orono)
- AgrAbility Coordinator (statewide)
- Parent Education Professional, Maine Families (Waldo)
- Assist. Professor, Maine Sustainable Agriculture and Farm Business Management Educator – paused per HC
- Assist. Professor Sustainable Agriculture and Food Insecurity Educator (Hancock/Washington) In review, JD / focus may be revised
- Assist. Professor, Maine Sustainable Agriculture and Livestock Educator – paused per HC
- Smart Agriculture Professional
- Urban Agriculture ProfessionalAssist. Professor Sustainable Agriculture and Ornamental Horticulture Educator (York/southern ME)
- Communications Professional (Penobscot/remote)
- Admin Specialist CL2, 4-H, Cumberland
- Parent Education Supervisor – Maine Families (Waldoboro)
- Parent Education Professional – Maine Families (Knox/Lincoln)
- Community Education Assistant, CL1 EFNEP (And/Sag) Failed 1/19
- Community Education Assistant, CL1 EFNEP (Washington)
- Assistant/Associate Professor, Seafood Technology, Food Safety Specialist (Orono)
- Sustainable Agriculture and Horticulture Professional (Aroostook)
- 4-H Community Education Assistant (Waldo) Declined, extended posting
- Postdoctoral Extension Associate in PFAS Research and Outreach (Orono/Statewide)
- Admin Specialist CL3 (Tanglewood/Blueberry Cove) Emma Beaudry, March 20
- Admin Specialist CL2 50% (Somerset) Julie LaJoie, March 13
- Veterinarian Specialist & Assistant Extension Professor (VDL) Dana Hill, April 3
- 4-H Youth Development Professional (Oxford) Margaruette Seguin, April 10
- Admin Specialist CL3 (And/Sag) Isabella Viselli, March 13
- Admin Specialist CL3 (DRL) Brandy Hunt, March 20
- Marine and Coastal Community Specialist Parker Gassett, March 1
- Community Education Assistant, CL1 EFNEP (Franklin) Isabella Russo Feb 13
- Potato Plant Pathologist, Faculty (Aroostook/Presque Isle) Kutay Ozturk May 1
- 4-H Community Education Assistant CL2 (Pen/Pisc) Trisha Smith Feb 17
- Manager of Operations and Finance (TWBBC)
- Director Bryant Pond/Greenland Point 4-H Centers (BP/GP)
- 4-H Community Education Assistant (Washington, Brittany Foster replacement)
Future Agenda Items
New Employee Orientation Survey and Proposed Actions
Beth Hawkyard will join the ELT to discuss the results of the new employee orientation survey and share the proposed actions to address the needs and concerns expressed in the survey. Survey data will be uploaded to this folder at least one week prior to this meeting.
2023 ELT In-Person Meeting Dates
Dates | Facilitator | Notes | Location |
April 19 | Arndt | Bailey | Somerset |
May 23 | Bailey | Bolton | Cumberland |
June 21 | Bolton | Carter | Andro/Sag |
July 19 | Carter | Dill | Aroostook |
August 16 | Dill | Harrington | Oxford |
September 20 | Harrington | Jackson | Hancock |
October 18 | Jackson | Prichard | Knox/Lincoln |
November 15 | Prichard | Phelps | York |
December 20 | Phelps | Scott | Virtual |