The Somerset Newsflash, September 2024

Important Dates


The News in the County

Temporary Change in Office Hours – Now Open 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.

We are currently in a transition process with staffing and wanted to let you know about an upcoming change to our office schedule and the reasons behind it.

One of our staff members will start working remotely soon, then will be on leave through the end of December as she welcomes a new baby into her family.

As we are still working to fill several vacancies in our office, this will leave us with just one part-time staff member to cover the office for approximately the next two months. We appreciate your patience as we do our best to continue to offer high quality customer service in a timely manner!

Our new temporary in-person office hours will start on Monday, September 23 and will be Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m to 1:00 p.m. Our goal is to increase our in-person hours again before Thanksgiving.

During this time our colleagues across the state are available to help you access programming, including agriculture, horticulture, 4-H, and nutrition. We will be happy to connect you with staff and faculty best suited to provide assistance.

If you happen to miss us, please do not hesitate to leave us a voicemail at 207-474-9622 or send us an email at Remote staff will be checking messages regularly on weekdays until 4:30 p.m. and will get back to you as soon as possible! 

Somerset Newsflash on Pause

Due to the staffing situation described above, we will temporarily be discontinuing the Somerset Newsflash. We hope to resume publishing in January!

The News

Upcoming Events from Somerset County Soil and Water Conservation District

Pond Construction & Management Workshop, October 6
Join us for a pond construction, health, and maintenance workshop in collaboration with Piscataquis County Soil & Water Conservation District. Learn from our two expert speakers Candi Gilpatric an Agricultural Engineer at Natural Resource Conservation Service and Joe Dembeck, a Wildlife Biologist and former executive director of Somerset County Soil & Water Conservation District. Learn more.

The News in Agriculture

Business Planning for Producers Registration Opens September 16

UMaine Cooperative Extension is offering our multi-session business planning course again this November. The course is designed to help new and beginning producers evaluate potential land or sea-based businesses and understand the core concepts of business planning including: market research, marketing, funding, financial record keeping and sustainability. Registration opens at noon on September 16. If you would like more information and to be added to our interest list please follow the link here.

North American Maple Syrup Conference

65th Annual Conference of the North American Maple Syrup Council

Hosted by Maine Maple Producers Association

Registration is Open!

October 21-24 in Portland, Maine

The schedule includes:

  • Tours of innovative Maine farms (October 23)
  • Practical skills workshops and research presentations from producers, maple researchers, and extension specialists, and more (October 22 and 24)
  • Maple products contest and awards (October 24)
  • Trades show and networking opportunities (All 4 days)
  • A formal banquet and awards ceremony (October 24)
  • and More!!

View the Full Schedule

Tech Session Agenda

Register Here

International Maple Grading School

Two Days of In-Person Lectures and Hands-On Demonstrations

Friday, October 25 and Saturday October 26, 2024

Falmouth, Maine (Directions, Google Maps)

The International Maple Grading School is for maple producers, bulk syrup buyers, state inspectors, and others needing to accurately grade maple syrup or judge maple product entries at fairs and contests. Quality control issues are also addressed. This school provides a strong scientific base combined with intensive hands-on exercises. This approach enables participants to learn how to grade or judge maple products with confidence.

Cost/Registration Fee: $145

  • Capacity: 25
  • Payment is per person for the two-day class.
  • Registration fees are non-refundable; this may be considered on a case by case basis.

Program Details and Agenda

Register Online

This program is supported by:

The International Maple Syrup Institute (IMSI) and North American Maple Syrup Council (NAMSC) and Hosted by:

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension and University of Vermont Extension.

2024 Maine Hay Contest

Are you producing the best hay in Maine?

Maine has more than 200 hay producers, in which the state’s livestock, horse, and dairy industries highly depend. All producers strive year after year to produce excellent quality hay, and the University of Maine Cooperative Extension firmly believes these efforts should be rewarded and recognized.

Therefore, the first Maine Hay Contest will be hosted in 2024, where you can submit your best quality hay produced in the year. First place will receive $500, second place $250, and third place $100. You also will receive a commemorative plaque that will be presented along with the prizes at the Maine Forage Conference, to be held in Waterville, ME, in November 2024.

Sampling, shipping, and analysis costs will be covered by UMaine Cooperative Extension for the first 15 registrants, so, what are you waiting for?

For more information and registration, click here.

Maine Forage Conference

The Maine Forage Conference will be a space to provide an excellent opportunity to come together as a hay and livestock community, learn from subject matter experts and farmer fellows, and attend a trade show. It is expected the participation of featured speakers, the Maine Hay Contest award ceremony, and a space for sponsor recognition, trade show, and socialization. Lunch and refreshments will be provided to registered attendees.

For more information, contact Jaime Garzon at

Coming in November!!

Obsolete Pesticide Take Back Registration Open

The next obsolete pesticide collection days will be held during October 2024, with one-day events in Presque Isle, Bangor, Augusta, and Portland. Pre-registration is required by September 25 to participate; drop-ins are not permitted.

The program only accepts pesticides and spray adjuvants. Registration instructions and forms can be found online. Each registration must be from the person currently possessing the pesticides, and materials collected on behalf of others will not be accepted.

More details, including drop-off locations and the obsolete pesticides inventory form, are on the BPC website.

Removing obsolete and unwanted pesticides is essential for protecting public health, wildlife, and the environment. Improper handling and disposal of pesticides can contaminate land and water resources. The Maine Obsolete Pesticide Collection Program ensures these hazardous materials are handled and disposed of safely. Since its inception in 1982, the program has successfully diverted over 250,000 lbs. of pesticides from entering the waste stream. Collected pesticides are transported to licensed, out-of-state disposal facilities through a hazardous waste disposal contractor.

The label is the law. Always follow the label instructions for the proper use, storage, and disposal of any pesticides you use. For more information about safe pesticide disposal, visit the EPA website.

Anyone with questions or concerns can contact the Board of Pesticides Control at or 207-287-2731.

UMaine Extension offers Virtual Summer Equine Speaker Series

During this new Equine Speaker series, being offered by UMaine Cooperative Extension, cutting edge research and novel management practices in equine science are explored. The final webinar in the 2024 series is on Friday, September 13 and features UMaine Senior Research Associate, Elissa Ballman, who will present on the topic: “What’s bugging your horse? Managing insect pests on equine farms”. Previous webinars cover easy-keeper equine, pasture management, as well as diet and movement to support equine health. All virtual installments in the series are available for viewing at the link here.

The News in 4-H

Changes in 4-H Staff in Somerset County

4H Clover

Dear 4-H Friends,

I wanted to let you know that I have accepted an opening as the 4-H Youth Development Professional at the Waldo County Cooperative Extension office, effective at the beginning of September. It is the same position within Cooperative Extension, but working within Waldo, and also in conjunction with the Tanglewood Camp and Learning Center and statewide 4-H programming.

The University of Maine Cooperative Extension is in the process of hiring a replacement to fill my position at the Somerset Office. Until that happens, I will still be available to answer any 4-H questions or concerns at This will probably be the last 4-H specific Somerset County newsletter until at least the first of the year 2025.

In the last three years, I have enjoyed getting to know you and supporting your clubs, your members and animals, and learning more about the projects that spark your interests.

I will miss you, Somerset County, and I hope to see you all out and about at 4-H events!

Wishing you all the best,


Good Luck!

Best of luck to all the 4-H members who are completing their fair seasons, and also those traveling to Eastern States this month!

Northern Maine Children’s Water Festival at UMaine

Join Scarlett, Melissa, and the 4-H Science and Engineering Learning Center as they explore organisms found in the ocean. Kids get a chance to touch, hold, investigate, and explore species found in the Gulf of Maine. This free, hands-on, learning festival is geared towards 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students. The event will be filled with a variety of water resource professionals that promote the value of clean water and healthy habitats, as well as provide teachers with materials and lessons they can use in their own classroom.

Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Location: University of Maine, Orono

For more information visit the Children’s Water Festival website.

Start Your 4-H Volunteer Journey Training

Thinking about becoming a 4-H volunteer? We are looking for people to help youth find their spark and thrive! We offer lots of ways to be involved depending on your time and interests. Join us for two one-hour virtual sessions to help you with your decision. By the end of the two-part series, you will have completed four short e-Learning modules to introduce you to the 4-H program, participate in an experiential learning activity, learn about the key aspects of positive youth development, and be introduced to ages and stages of youth. This core training will wrap up with an outline of next steps and an introduction to your county staff contact so you can begin the application process if you choose. No pressure to commit, no cost, and no reason to not attend! Please note, these sessions are for individuals who are not currently enrolled 4-H volunteers.

Upcoming Sessions:

  • Wednesdays, September 18 & 25, 2024 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
  • Tuesdays, November 12 & 19,  2024 from 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

For more information or to register visit the information page.

For more 4-H news, check out 4-H Happenings, our monthly 4-H newsletter for Somerset County.

The News in Homemakers

Homemaker LogoExtension Homemakers is a volunteer group that develops leadership skills, supports community causes, and promotes UMaine Extension’s educational programs in nine Maine counties. These organized programs are part of the statewide network of Extension Homemakers.

Local group members meet throughout the year to participate in educational programs and identify community projects, such as providing assistance to local food pantries, nursing homes, or veterans groups, or funding educational scholarships or youth camp programs.

Fall Issue of Statewide Newsletter Published

Check out the latest news from across the state in the September issue of the Maine Extension Homemaker Newsletter.

Volunteer in Somerset County!

Would you or someone you know like to become more engaged in volunteerism throughout Somerset County? Consider joining Homemakers! The Somerset County Extension Homemakers are always welcoming new members. Please visit the Maine Extension Homemakers website for general information about the program or reach out to the Somerset County Extension Homemakers President, Rita Fortin with any questions or to express interest. Rita can be reached at 207.453.2945 or at You may also contact the Maine Extension Homemakers Coordinator, Lisa Fishman at 800.287.1421 or at