Evening Programs
Evening Programs (EPs) are a special part of the Tanglewood week because everyone in camp gets together for one huge camp-wide activity!
On Mondays, we traditionally play Capture the Flag (with some other options, too), so long as it’s nice out. For those new to CTF, it’s a little like a giant game of tag, only with two teams, two flags, and two “jails.” It’s tons of fun!
On the last evening of the camp session, we have a campfire. Each cabin presents a skit, song, or something else that fits the campfire theme, plus much more!
Our EPs are very varied, so each week, they really could be anything! Some favorites include:
- Counselor Hunt
- Adventure Story Nights: camp transforms into some other world and clues need to be found, or tasks completed, to solve a mystery
- Dances
- Carnival!
- Cabin Night: each cabin chooses what they do. A campout, video and popcorn, baking cookies, night hikes…
- All Camp Auction
- Air-band Idol
- Gameshow Night
- Make your own superhero
- Giant Games
- Evening Electives. The evening Program becomes the Afternoon Program and Electives happen after dark for options like stargazing, observing porcupines, and night hikes.