FAQ’s for New Members
When do we meet?
The second Tuesday of each month.
What happens if the weather is terrible on the night of a board meeting?
The president and county staff jointly determine whether traveling will be safe. If it is decided to cancel, calls will be made to all members and messages will be left on answer machine. Please travel at your discretion.
Do we meet in the summer?
Generally, the meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month from September through May/June. In the event of pressing business, meetings will be held during the summer.
What’s the difference between an annual meeting and a regular meeting?
The annual meeting of the Waldo County Extension Association is held during the first meeting of the year. Our current “year” begins in September. The officers for the current year are elected. The new members beginning three-year terms are also elected. The budget for the current year is approved. Recently, key Extension volunteers are recognized at this meeting. A community member also delivers an education program.
Are refreshments served at meetings?
Light refreshments generally are available at each meeting. Individual committee members will sign up for a month. The office staff will provide coffee, tea, and bottled water.
How do I learn or hear more about what Extension staff does?
At least one of the Extension educators is present at each meeting. They give oral monthly reports about current and up-coming programs and issues. Other staff are invited to discuss their educational programs.
How many members make up the board?
The Executive Committee is composed of up to 18 members elected from the 26 towns in Waldo County. The Nomination and Orientation Standing Committee tries to ensure that there is at least one member from each of the six regions in Waldo County. (See Article V, Section 2 for region definitions.)
What is the term length for board members?
Members are elected for a period of three (3) years. Members may serve no more than two (2) consecutive full terms, but may be re-elected after a lapse of one year.
What’s the difference between a program committee and a standing committee?
Program committees work with the Extension educators to determine program needs and priorities annually. Standing committees meet to work in three areas: nomination and orientation; administrative issues (scholarship, budget, publicity); and annual meeting and volunteer recognition.
If I sign up for a committee, am I a member of this committee “for life” or until my term ends?
No, in fact we encourage committee members to serve on different committees each year if appropriate. Members in the past have mentioned that when they rotated from one committee to another they learned more about the organization, its operation and other committee and staff members. They felt more informed and well-rounded and able to speak with more clarity about Cooperative Extension.