4-H in Washington County – August 2018
Volume 13, Issue 8
Print Version: 4-H Newsletter-Washington August 2018 (PDF)
Dates to Remember
August 30 – September 3– Blue Hill Fair
September 1: Maine 4-H Foundation Photo Contest Deadline
September 14: Washington County 4-H Photo Contest Deadline
September 15: Eastern States Bus Trip
October 6: Perry Harvest Fair
Perry Harvest Fair
Location: Perry, Maine, Community Building, Route 1
Date: October 6, 2018
Time: 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
4-H Exhibit Information
Exhibit Rules:
- Individual Exhibit entries are open to all enrolled 4-H members ages 5 to 19. 4-H members ages 5 to 8 are considered Cloverbuds. 4-H Cloverbuds may submit entries for non-competitive display to the exhibition hall. 4-H members ages 9 to 19 may submit entries for Danish system judging.
- Each Washington County 4-H Club and School are encouraged to have a Group Exhibit at the fair. This display, which should fit on a 4’ x 4’ table space, can feature projects from the 2017-2018 program year or can be a general display about your group. All aspects of your group display should be new from this current 4-H year (October 2017 to September 2018). The theme this year will be “4-H: GEARED for Greatness!”. Please read and review the Point System for judging the group displays (page 2). Points have been lost on wonderful displays in the past because details were missed. First place will receive $15. All other clubs will receive $10. Only one exhibit per group is allowed.
- Individual 4-H’ers may exhibit items produced and/or prepared by him/her during the current 4-H year. No kits will be accepted, except in the mechanical sciences/robotics category for projects involving models.
- Members may enter two individual exhibits. The two exhibits may be in two different project areas, or in any one project area as long as the exhibits are in different media or forms (examples: vegetable garden –- enter two types of vegetables; sewing –- one apron and one pillow; art – one watercolor and one drawing, but not two watercolors). Please keep in mind that quality is being judged, not quantity. A maximum of two individual exhibits per 4-H member will be accepted.
- Please call in your entries to the office by Friday, September 21, 2018, so that we can prepare sufficient space at the fair. Call the Washington County Extension office at207.255.3345 or 800.287.1542 (in Maine) or email Tara at tara.a.wood@maine.edu.
- Each entry must have a completed 4-H Exhibit/Judging Card and Life Skills Card securely attached to it. Cards should be obtained from the Extension office before the fair. We are happy to send them out to you when you call or email us and let us know how many you need. Attach the card with string or paperclip only (no tape please as judges need to write on the cards and removal of the tape may ruin the exhibit). The cards must be filled out neatly by the 4-H member before entering the item for competition.
Notice to Leader or Parent: Any special circumstances should be noted with a sticky note explanation attached to the Exhibit Card. - The fair will afford the best protection possible for project exhibits. However, the University of Maine Cooperative Extension and the Perry Harvest Fair distinctly disclaim any liability for loss or damage to exhibits. There are no security services available it the exhibit building.
- Exhibits will be accepted on Friday, October 5, between 3:30 and 5:00 p.m. ONLY. Entries will not be accepted for judging at any other time on October 5 or 6. Items not submitted during this time period will not be considered for premiums or Cloverbud honorariums. If you are unable to deliver the exhibits at this time but would like to bring them to the Extension office prior to October 5th, all efforts will be made to get them to the fair for judging. This will be based on a first-come, first served basis, so please contact the office ahead of time if you choose this option.
- Judging will be based on the “modified Danish system.” (See below for more information.) Each worthy exhibit will be awarded a ribbon and premium based on how well it displays the appropriate skills for a member’s age and skill level, with the exception of Cloverbuds. Cloverbuds will receive a participation ribbon for every item they exhibit in the Exhibition Hall, and one honorarium for their overall participation (thus, if a Cloverbud enters 2 exhibits, he/she will receive 2 ribbons and one honorarium). Cloverbuds will not be included in the judging process but will receive positive comments on their exhibit cards.
- Exhibits must be taken from the 4-H Hall between 3 and 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 6th. If you would like a 4-H staff person to bring your exhibit(s) back to the Extension office in Machias, please let us know beforehand.
Don’t forget to call the Extension office to order Exhibit/Judging and Life Skills Cards for your hall entries. Thanks!
Point System for Judging Club Displays:
Club displays will be judged on the following qualities:
- Exhibit Theme
Does exhibit express ONE idea and carry it out? 20 pts. - Exhibit Title
A good catchy title helps. It should be prominently placed with the
largest lettering of the entire exhibit 15 pts. - Lettering
Quality and size of all lettering 15 pts. - Originality
Was imagination used?; Appropriate color and/or motion used?; Was it interactive, informative, and/or novel? 25 pts. - Size of Articles on Display
Can objects be recognized at a distance of 6 feet? 15 pts. - 4-H Exhibit & Judging card & Life Skills Wheel
Were the official cards attached and filled out? 10 pts.
Tie breaker:
- 4-H Experience
10 pts.
Displays will also be judged on how well they exemplify the 4-H Experience (activities, actions, and principles of the Life Skills Model such as nurturing relationships, communication, keeping records, community service, problem solving, healthy lifestyle choices, self-responsibility, marketable skills, community service, etc.). The points earned from this category will only be used in the case of a tie.
Guidelines Upon Which Individual Exhibits Will Be Judged:
- Judging is done on what we call the “modified Danish system,” which means we may award a blue ribbon, or red or white, to as many exhibits as judged worthy, based on the judges’ understanding of what may be expected from a member of a particular age and years of experience in the project, and on how well the exhibit follows the fair rules. The 4-H members are not competing against one another, but rather are judged on how well they achieve their potential for their age and experience, and on how well they follow the 4-H rules.
- The judges’ goal is to be as positive, affirming and constructive as possible while holding exhibitors to the fair rules and the tradition of 4-H to “make the best better.” We make the best better by encouragement — by complimenting aspects of the exhibit that are well done and constructively suggesting ways it might be improved.
- Judges’ comments will be written on the exhibit card. A blue ribbon deserves at least one specific, positive comment. A red ribbon deserves one constructive suggestion as well as at least one positive comment. A white ribbon deserves two constructive suggestions as well as one positive comment. We encourage judges to be specific: “Your stitching is very even,” “Your design is very creative,” and “Your printing is legible and clear” are more helpful than a simple “well done.” Judges must find something to comment positively on before writing suggestions such as, “This could be improved by tightening the stitches/wiping off the excess glue” or whatever it would need to receive a blue ribbon.
- The judges may mark the award down one ribbon if the exhibit card is not complete. This action will be explained in a comment.
Recognition For Cloverbuds: There will be only specific, positive comments on their exhibit cards. At this young age, we want youth to receive positive feedback to encourage future participation and build self-esteem. Each Cloverbud will receive a dollar coin honorarium for their participation and a green ribbon for each entry.
Recognition For 9- to 19-year-old 4-H members: Ribbons and premiums will be as follows:
- Blue Ribbon/First Place: $5
- Red Ribbon/Second Place: $3
- White Ribbon/Third Place: $1
Project Areas/Categories for Individual Exhibits:
- Animal Care: Any item made about an animal (ex: photo, story); any item made for an animal (ex: tack box); or any animal product (ex: 6 clean eggs, a sheepskin vest).
- Art: Any original drawing or painting, suitable for hanging. Any medium or mixed media may be used. Should be framed, matted, or mounted on posterboard/cardstock. May be fitted with hangers or be able to be displayed on a stand supplied by the exhibitor.
- Citizenship and Community Service: Display or 14 x 22 inch poster illustrating a member’s community service project; or the importance of voting (for example); or a collection of historic or related items; or four photos that tell a story, with individual labels.
- Conservation and Natural Resources: Mounted drawings or photos that tell a story illustrating conservation issues; recycling – a labeled display or model illustrating the concept; item made from something found in nature (ex: log made into birdhouse or bench).
- Crafts: Basketry; candle/soap making; ceramics and pottery; decorative/tole painting; fabric painting; felt crafts; glass etching; holiday crafts; jewelry; macramé; paper mache; any other craft approved by your leader or mentor.
- Fiber Arts: Crocheted item; felted item; knitted item; rug; spinning; weaving.
- Food and Nutrition: Specific food item – any nonperishable food item such as bread, bars, brownies or cookies made entirely from scratch by the 4-H member.
- Food Preservation: Canned – Beginner: 1 jar of either vegetable, fruit, jam, jelly, pickles, or conserves. Intermediate: 3 jars, each different produce. Advanced: 5 jars, each different produce. Note: Low acid foods must be pressure-canned. Dried – Beginner: 1 sample of dried fruit, vegetable, or meat (can be smoked). Intermediate: 3 samples of dried food. Advanced: 5 samples of dried food.
- Forestry and Forest Conservation: Six mounted photographs of forestry practices; or a collection related to forestry or forest conservation (beginner: collection of leaves, needles, or twigs of at least 10 different species labeled with common names; intermediate: collection of 10 seeds of different species labeled with common names; advanced: collection of 4 disease-, insect-, or animal-damaged specimens); or display of some phase of industrial forestry.
- Knitting: Beginner: an article made using one or two different stitches. Intermediate: an article made using two or more different stitches. Senior: An article using three or more different stitches.
- Mechanical Sciences/Robotics: Rocketry, space, or airplane models made by the 4-H member; or an electrical project, such lamp-making or wiring; or a welding project; or a robotics project.
- Photography: A) Single photo, black and white or color, of high quality, illustrating techniques of photography (good lighting, “rule of thirds,” composition, contrast, special effects), enlarged to a 5×7 or 8×10-inch print. Panoramas are also acceptable. B) Photo story using 3 to 6 photos (at least 3×5-inch) showing a “how-to” sequence or “before and after” scenes. All photo exhibits should be mounted on mat or poster board to complement the photo and be ready for hanging. This work should be completed by the 4-H member.
- Plant Science and Crops: Displays of specific vegetables, crops, or fruits – berries or grains, 1 pint; small vine crops such as peas or beans, 10 specimens; large vine crops such as cucumbers, pumpkins, or squash, one specimen; root crops such as potatoes or carrots, three specimens; vegetables grown in heads such as cabbage and broccoli, one specimen; other vegetables such as corn, tomatoes, or peppers, three specimens; forage crops. Flower gardening and house plants – garden flowers; potted houseplants; or potted herbs. Note: Please write the variety on the display card.
- Sewing and Needlecrafts: Any item of clothing or household item sewn completely by the 4-H member; any other item is sewn by the member; any embroidered item made by the 4-H member; any quilted item made by the 4-H member.
- Veterinary Science: A poster displaying the parts of an animal, normal vital signs, diseases, plants that are poisonous to the animal, genetics, and/or nutrition for the animal.
- Wildlife: A display of labeled sketches or photos of wildlife that the 4-H member studied; or casts of animal tracks that the member made; or items the member made for wildlife use (birdhouses, feeding stations, etc.); or a labeled display of collected items.
- Woodworking: A project built from wood (suggestions: beginner – bookends or rack, napkin-, key-, letter-, bag-, or broom-holder, birdhouse, cutting board, picture frame, bootjack, or stilts; intermediate – toolbox, footstool, bench, candleholder, game, spice rack, tie rack, or telephone shelf; advanced – gun rack, toys, garage creeper, shoeshine kit, knife rack, or equivalent); or a woodcarving project; or a detailed woodworking plan.
- Writing: A collection of poems; or a short story; or a journal; or an illustrated story. Entries should be neatly presented, and if not typed, should be printed legibly.
- Creativity Unlimited: Any exhibit made entirely by the 4-H’er during the current 4-H year that is not covered under another project category in these rules. The exhibit project must have the approval of the 4-H’er’s leader or project mentor.
4-H Summer of Science 2018
Will it Work?
The 4-H Summer of Science was a huge success!
Over 300 Washington County youth from Calais, Cherryfield, Jonesport, Lubec, Machias, and Princeton participated in six, one hour, once a week activities solving real-life challenges using the Engineer Design Process. The hands-on engineering challenges focused around building a virtual structure on a fictitious Maine island. Each week a different engineering challenge was introduced: Aerospace, Marine, Mechanical, Civil and Electrical Engineering were all explored. After making a prediction, youth working alone or in teams were able to test their solutions. Thank you to all the 4-H Summer of Science host sites for your support keeping STEM learning alive in the summer!
4-H Tech Changemakers in Washington D.C.
Paige, Inez, and Forrest had a great experience attending Citizenship Washington Focus! Along with all the site seeing opportunities that included tours of the monuments, Arlington National Cemetery, the National Cathedral, and Mount Vernon, they also worked hard. This team met with Senator Collins, Congresswoman Pingree, and Congressman Poliquin to talk about their food insecurity project. In addition, they gave presentations to members of the Department of Education and Microsoft during their week in D.C. Forrest described the week as “life changing!”
The team is excited to return to Maine and get started with Year 2 of their Tech Changemaker project. Check out their website, Community F.E.A.S.T. (Food, Education, Agriculture, Sustainability, Technology) they’ve designed to learn more about the project and contact the office if you are interested in getting involved! This fall we will offer a gardening/food systems 4-H club at Washington Academy and be looking for teens to help with various aspects of the project, some of which will include the use of technology!
- Capitol Hill Day started with a meeting with Senator Collins followed by a tour of the Capitol Building.
- Congressman Poliquin met with the youth between votes and invited them into the gallery to watch the Senate in action.
- Congresswoman Pingree stepped out of a hearing to meet with the team for a few minutes and hear about their project.
- Paige, Forrest and Inez ready to present at the Department of Education.
- A quick visit to the National Museum of American History- of course they found something related to their project!
Calling All 4-H Artists
4-H’ers: Submit your artwork to be featured in the 2019 4-H youth art calendar.
Are you or your 4‑H’er creative or artistic? Upload a photo of your masterpiece for the chance to be selected for 2019 4‑H Youth Artwork calendar and other 4‑H promotional items. All forms of media are accepted – photography, painting, drawings, sculpture – just upload an image of the work of art below. All entrants must be 18 or under and an active 4‑H’er, so don’t forget to ask your parent’s permission!
Visit 4-H’s Call All 4-H Artists page to upload submissions.
The deadline for submission is August 10, 2018.
2018 4-H Photo Contest
You should have received an email about the 2018 4-H Photo Contest in Washington County! Deadline to submit photos to the Extension Office is Friday, September 14, 2018. There are five photo categories – you may enter one photo in each category. Full details can be found on the Washington County 4-H Photo Contest page at or call the office if you have any questions. Maine 4-H Foundation is also offering a photo contest with prizes! Get out there and start snapping photos!
Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors Application
Don’t forget, now is the time to get your application into the Maine Association of Livestock Exhibitors.
Membership in this organization covers families with liability insurance. This insurance is a requirement at all fairs in the state of Maine. You can now renew your membership or join and become a member on the Maine Association Livestock Exhibitors website.
Doing it online means getting your membership cards quicker, but don’t delay. You must show proof of this membership before you will be able to show.
Showmanship Tips!
Good showmanship improves the look of your animal while letting you exhibit your skills in front of a crowd. Many things can make you stand out in a showmanship class. Whether you are showing beef, sheep, Alpacas, or other livestock, here are some good tips:
- Wear a nice button-down shirt with khaki pants in a show ring (unless otherwise instructed).
- Upon entering the ring, walk forward in a clockwise direction on the left side of the animal
- When turning your animal, always try to turn to your right (into the animal). If you go left, your animal might step on you.
- Keep adequate space (3-4 feet) between your animal and others.
- Always keep your eye on the judge. You don’t want to miss his or her instructions.
- Once you are stopped and have the halter or lead in the correct hand, you need to make sure the animal is set up properly to show the animal’s best qualities. The legs need to be square under the animal’s body, and the backline is straight. Train your animal to stand still like this for at least five minutes at a time.
- When an animal is set, you can both relax a bit. A slow pace is desired to keep the animal calm.
- Always be courteous to others in the show ring. Never block other exhibitors from the judge’s view.
- When a problem arises in the ring, calmly wait for a ring helper.
Some Things You Can Do To Prepare For A Showmanship Class!
- Attend a local or major livestock show and observe the showmanship skills of exhibitors.
- Demonstrate proper livestock showmanship techniques for a 4-H group or other groups.
- Conduct showmanship contests and have them videotaped. Critique how club members did after viewing the tape.
Follow a Researcher
What do green crabs, ducks, and parasites have in common? How do scientists make sure the data they collect is accurate? What is an invasive species, and how can they be identified? Maine 4-H invites youth to explore the science of tracking invasive species with its Follow a Researcher® program. Follow UMaine graduate student Tyler Van Kirk and his research on green crabs, an invasive species found along the coast of Maine. Students and educators can follow his data collection trips in real-time with an online map and try an experiential learning activity that shows why data collection methods matter. Live updates will happen weekly via Twitter. You can follow along and sign up for updates/announcements on the Cooperative Extension: Follow a Researcher® website.
Blue Hill Fair
Reminder that the Blue Hill Fair is from August 30th – September 3rd this year! Did you know that ALL 4-H’ers are encouraged to exhibit their projects in the 4-H Exhibit Hall? If you are a 4-H Club member, you can encourage your club to start planning for your Club Exhibit. We also encourage all 4-H’ers (Independents, Club, Groups) to participate in the 4-H Cake Contest! This is a great opportunity to help promote 4-H in Maine. The 4-H theme for the Fair this year is “4-H: GEARED for Greatness!” – how can your club exhibit or cake match the theme? Be creative!
Exhibit cards are available in the Extension Office.
Read the Exhibitor’s Handbook, on the Blue Hill Fair website’s Premium Book for 2018 page for complete details.
Perry Harvest Fair
The Perry Harvest Fair is generally held the first Saturday in October. This is a great time to be thinking ahead about the types of projects you would like to enter this year!
Cooking with the Kids
Oatmeal, Strawberry, Banana Smoothie
1 frozen banana
¼ cup old-fashioned rolled oats
1 container (6-ounce) nonfat vanilla yogurt
1 cup skim milk
½ tsp. cinnamon
½ cup frozen strawberries
Directions: To freeze a banana, peel banana cut into chunks and freeze overnight or at least four to five hours. Blend old-fashioned rolled oats in a dry blender until it becomes a powder. Add yogurt, milk, and cinnamon to the oatmeal powder and blend together. Add frozen strawberries and the frozen banana to the blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy!
University of Maine Cooperative Extension Eat Well
4-H News from the State
Eastern States Bus Trip, Saturday, September 15, 2018
It’s time to reserve seats for the buses traveling to Eastern States Exposition (ESE or also called the “Big E”) in West Springfield, Massachusetts for Maine Day on Saturday, September 15, 2018.
This one-day trip is sponsored by the Maine Trustees of the Eastern States Exposition to encourage Maine 4-Hers who don’t presently participate in events at ESE to see the activities that go on for 4-H youth in hopes to bolster their enthusiasm to participate in the future. Two buses are reserved for us and the northernmost bus will originate in Bangor and they will both stop at several points on I-95. Seats fill up quickly, and we will begin taking registrations immediately.
All youth must go with a chaperone, but because this event is primarily for youth; seats are limited to no more than two adults per child – chaperones must be the parent or legal guardian of the 4-H member, or an enrolled VOLT trained volunteer. The bus ride and admission to the “Big E” are free, but all individuals on this trip are expected to march in the parade at 5 pm. It works well if you wear a 4-H t-shirt if you have one, and for clubs to bring their club banner to display during the parade.
Items you might want to bring along with you are light snacks, water, a good book, Rated G movies (there is a DVD player on the bus), a pillow, and a blanket. There will be a rest stop along the way. Other items to consider bringing: clothing to identify your club, a comfortable pair of walking shoes, a hat with a visor, sunglasses, sunscreen, a backpack, personal spending money, a camera, and a watch. If you have a cell phone, it will be helpful for logistics. Please include your cell phone number when you register.
Please leave valuable items at home. We are not responsible for lost or stolen items. Bus stops will be determined based on the location of riders. Reservations must be made in writing or by e-mail to:
Jessy Brainerd
103B Libby Hall
University of Maine
Orono, ME 04469-5741
When you register, please give the name, age (for adults, just state “adult”), address, home phone, and cell phone number of each person in your group. Reservations are due by Friday, September 1 (call after this date to check on seat availability). A confirmation email will be sent to you a week before the trip giving you your time and pick up location. Pick up will be bright and early in the morning, and both buses will be leaving The Big E at 7:00 p.m.
Volunteers are needed to serve as Bus Monitors. Bus Monitors will serve as the contact person for other passengers on their bus and will make sure everyone gets back on the bus at the rest stop. If you’d be willing to serve in this capacity, please let us know when you sign up.
If you have questions, please contact Jessy Brainerd at 581.3877 or 800.287.0274 (in Maine) .
Photo Contest!
From Susan Jennings, Maine 4-H Foundation
We know we make a huge difference in the lives of Maine youth through 4-H. I appreciate all of the hard work and dedication our 4-H staff makes across Maine. The Maine 4-H Foundation had a great year in 2017 raising over $748,000 in donations and investment income! A great deal of this funding was restricted to your programs! Good job! Our goal for 2018 is to continue to increase our support to 4-H programs across Maine. To make this happen the Maine 4-H Foundation needs to hear about your great programs and see youth in action! Becky Mosley suggested a statewide photo contest and the Foundation Board agreed! Photos make all of the difference! The Maine 4-H Foundation is pleased to announce a new youth, volunteer and staff photo contest. To win, submit as many photos (with photo releases) as you like to Susan Jennings by September 1, 2018. Photos need to be originals, have a photo release (for people in the photo) and include the copyright release from the photographer. They need to be digitally submitted to susan.jennings@maine.edu. Please add your name, email contact, age and photo release information.
Youth and Volunteer Prize(s):
- Grand Prize for the Best Overall Photo: Something 4-H Awesome!
- Prizes are Given in All Divisions: Youth age up to 8, 9-12, 13 and up, volunteers
- 1st Prize: $100 gift card
- 2nd Prize: $75 gift card
- 3rd Prize: $50 gift card
- Staff Prize: $500 on account at the Maine 4-H Foundation that you can use for a special 4-H program, event, workshop, conference or donor challenge.
Questions? Call Susan Jennings at 207.615.7300
Maine 4-H Project Records, Reflection Tools, and Digital Badges!
Maine 4-H is excited to roll out new 4-H project records, reflection tools and opportunities for digital badges. A team has been working to design the new records aligned with research and connections to Maine’s commitment to proficiency-based education in mind. We know that these won’t be perfect and are anxious to have YOU help us try them out and be part of the process. The new records are now posted online and can be found on the State 4-H website.
We are also planning a few ways for you to be part of the team to ask questions and give feedback.
- Join our Google classroom community. This will be a place where volunteers and youth members are able to share real-time feedback about these tools.
- To join: Sign in at Classroom
- On the homepage, click Add – Join class
- Enter the code d9jmty and click Join.
- Participate in our live feedback sessions. Please save the date for feedback sessions. These will be conducted using Zoom. Register for these sessions with KymNoelle Hopson at 207.353.5550 or kymnoelle.hopson@maine.edu
- September 11, 2018 from 6:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m.
We are looking forward to having YOU as part of our team. If you have any questions please contact Kristy Ouellette, kristy.ouellette@maine.edu or 207.353.5550, extension 12.