4-H News in Washington County – October 2022
Dates to Remember
October 1: Re-enrollment on ZSuites Begins
October 2-8: National 4-H Week
October 5-16: Fall Paper Clover at Tractor Supply Company
October 9: Habitat and Wildlife Management Workshop in Bowdoinham
October 10: Indigenous People’s Day – Extension Office Closed
October 11: Deadline for Free Raffle for Maine 4-H Teen Leadership Survey
October 18: 4-H Volunteer Training: Recruiting and Retaining Youth and Families
October 19: Virtual Public Speaking Workshop, 6-7 p.m.
October 19 & 26: Start Your 4-H Volunteer Journey Volunteer Training
October 22: 4-H Unconference for Volunteers in Belfast
November 21: – County Re-enrollment Deadline

For over 100 years, 4‑H has inspired families, shaped careers, and impacted communities. On October 6 through 12, we will celebrate the impact of 4‑H during National 4‑H Week. Here are some ways you can celebrate 4‑H!
Give Back
Local programs are always looking for resources to continue growing the programs. Help programs thrive by making a donation that can help provide supplies to kids in the area.
Wear Your 4‑H Gear
Nothing says 4‑H pride like a 4‑H tee! Dress yourself (or the entire family – pets included!) in 4‑H green and clover gear, available at Shop 4‑H.
Shout-Out a 4‑H’er
Kids love 4‑H. They enjoy the time they spend with 4‑H friends, look forward to their next 4‑H meeting, and plan all year to show off what they’ve learned. Recognize the hard work and dedication of 4‑H’ers by shouting out one or an entire club on social media.
Become a 4‑H Volunteer
If you are a 4‑H alum, you might be looking for ways to reconnect with 4‑H. Consider giving your time to a local 4‑H club by becoming a volunteer.
Share Your 4‑H Story
Take to social media to share a 4‑H memory, express how 4‑H shaped who you are today, describe what 4‑H means to you, post an old 4‑H photo, or shout-out your 4‑H club. Use and follow the hashtag #InspireKidstoDo, share your story, or read stories similar to yours.
Send a 4‑H ‘Thank You’
We all have a reason to thank our local 4‑H leaders. Whether you grew up in 4‑H, you have kids in 4‑H, or you’ve witnessed the positive work of 4‑H in your community, send a ‘thank you’ note.
4-H Enrollment using ZSuites – Another 4-H year began on October 1! Re-enrollment instructions can be found in the State News below. Re-enrollment will take place this year using an online portal called ZSuites. If you are experiencing issues using the online portal, then please contact Tara at 207-255-3345 or tara.a.wood@maine.edu so she can help you through the process.
October 4-H Volunteer Trainings
4-H volunteers are encouraged to participate in these trainings offered in October:
Recruiting and Retaining Youth and Families, Tuesday, October 18, 2022, 6:30-8:00 p.m. (virtual)
Northeast Region Volunteer Connections, Session 1
Registration Deadline: Monday, October 17, 2022
Join us for a conversation on how to invite new youth and families into the 4-H program through communication, a sense of belonging, and having fun.
4-H Volunteer Unconference, Belfast, Saturday, October 22, 2022 , (in-person)
Registration Deadline: Friday, October 14, 2022
A volunteer forum led by 4-H volunteers for 4-H volunteers. UMaine 4-H Unconference is intentionally designed to have YOU teach and learn from each other. There is no agenda – you come with 4-H ideas and topics you want to talk about or learn more about, and we’ll guide the process to get folks into groups where YOU are the experts. Sample sessions might include: working with Cloverbuds, effective 4-H Leaders’ Associations, project records, animal science activities, ideas for including STEM, and many more – the group decides the topics at the beginning of UMaine 4-H Unconference. All experience levels are welcome and no one person has all the answers.
To register for these sessions, visit 4-H Volunteer Training Opportunities website.
Start Your 4-H Volunteer Journey Training
Do you know someone who would like to become a 4-H volunteer? Please share information about the upcoming Start Your 4-H Journey training that will take place online on October 19&26. For more information including registration, visit 4-H Volunteer Training Opportunities website.
Paper Clover Campaign at Tractor Supply
The Fall paper clover campaign will be held October 5-16, with the opportunity to donate to 4-H in-store and online.
News from the State
2022-2023 Re-Enrollment Process
There is a new option available for families for the new 4-H Year. Starting October 1st, families will have the ability to log into their account and complete their re-enrollment, as well as all required forms, online. If you were enrolled for the 2021-2022 year, you can simply visit: https://4h.zsuite.org/ – click “Forgot Password?” and complete the prompts using the email address you receive your 4-H communications to. There is a help menu that offers step-by-step instructions in the system, as well as live chat for questions. You are also welcome to reach out to your county staff or to the State Office at 4-H@maine.edu. If you would prefer to continue to complete paper forms, they can be found online at: https://extension.umaine.edu/4h/volunteers/forms/ or by reaching out to your county office.
Independent Member Clubs!
This fall county offices are piloting a new club specifically for independent 4-H members. This is a space for youth to come together and build relationships with their peers. We will share interests, projects, goals, and plans for the year and then reflect on our learning throughout and at the end of the year. This is also a great place to start if you are a new or recently enrolled independent member. We will meet 3 times throughout the year as a group with county staff. This will be a space for youth to foster friendships with peers and possibly come together to work on projects of similar interests. We are even hoping to get the group to brainstorm common interests and work together on a community service project!
Register here! Meetings can be attended either in person or virtually and will be open to all ages. Dates based on county/region.
Habitat and Wildlife Management Workshop
Come for an afternoon of outdoor fun and learning! Learn about fringe habitats and vegetation management, investigate herpetology hotspots, and explore wetland habitats and birds of prey. This workshop is co-hosted by the Wildlife Habitat Education Program (WHEP), Maine 4-H and CMP. While at the workshop, you can learn more about joining 4-H and WHEP! The workshop will take place on October 9, 2022 from 1-4pm at the Bowdoinham Wildlife Management Area.
This event is free. You do not need to be enrolled in 4-H to participate. Parents should expect to accompany their children during the workshop. For more information and to register, visit: Habitat and Wildlife Management Workshop.
Public Speaking Workshop
The Maine 4-H Communication Science Team invites all enrolled 4-H members to the October 19th meeting for an open workshop. The meeting will be held via zoom from 6 – 7 pm. Team members will teach tips and tricks to improve your presentation skills. Please contact cathy.gray@maine.edu for more information.
2022/2023 4-H Volunteer Training Opportunities
As we get ready for the new 4-H year, we are looking forward to offering a variety of learning experiences (both in person and virtual) for our 4-H volunteers. Sessions are free of charge, but require registration. Some sessions have limited space. Visit the 4-H Volunteer Calendar of Training Opportunities to learn more and register!
Register Now for the 4-H Unconference
UMaine 4-H Unconference will be an organized forum for 4-H volunteers, club leaders, afterschool providers, teachers, parents and teen leaders to gather. UMaine 4-H Unconference is intentionally designed to have YOU teach and learn from each other. There is no agenda; you come with 4-H ideas and topics you want to talk about or learn more about, and we’ll guide the process to get folks into groups where YOU are the experts. Save the dates: Saturday, October 22nd and Friday, November 11th. Come to one or both. Registration and more information is available on the website.
EFNEP Recipes: It’s Pumpkin Season!
October is a month full of festivities and surprises, and the one thing that is constant are pumpkins! This month we have some great pumpkin-inspired recipes. Usually, we think of pumpkins as something we carve or bake into pies (which is a good thing too!), but this amazing fruit has a lot going for it, and it is actually a very healthy food choice! Pumpkins happen to be full of vitamins, including vitamins A and C which help your vision, strengthen your immune system, and can help reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also full of fiber and are low in calories. Here are some healthy ways to enjoy pumpkin this fall: Roasted Pumpkin Seeds, Pumpkin Muffins, or a Pumpkin Smoothie!
For more delicious recipes, check out our UMaine EFNEP Mainely Dish Video Series. By Debbie Barnett (EFNEP CEA in Kennebec, Knox, Lincoln, and Waldo counties – barnett@maine.edu).
Expanded Food & Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) offers FREE nutrition education classes to income-eligible adults with children, or young adults 19-25 years old, and if you are eligible for programs such as SNAP, WIC, or Head Start. Find out more online.
Update: Deadline for Free Raffle and Maine 4-H Teen Leadership Survey is October 11th
Greetings 4-H’ers, I hope you are having a fantastic beginning to autumn. This is an invitation to complete a SHORT survey(about 30 questions/5 minutes) and enter a free raffle for a 4-H lunch tote or t-shirt (total of seven items). The survey is for anyone age 11+ who has been active in any 4-H activity since 2017. The survey and entry window into the raffle will close Tuesday, October 11th! To enter the raffle, simply add your contact information (email, phone #, etc.) to any of your responses in the survey or send it to Andrew Hudacs in a separate email. Your responses will help Andrew and others in Maine 4-H learn about your interests, post-high school plans, and thoughts on 4-H leadership programs. The survey results will be used to improve Maine 4-H. If you are a 4-H parent or club leader, please ask each child age 11+ complete a survey.
Androscoggin/Sagadahoc 4-H Monthly Workshops – Open to All Maine 4-Hers!
Come join the Androscoggin and Sagadahoc counties 4-H program at their monthly workshops – the Third Friday of every month (unless otherwise noted) from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at the Lisbon Extension Office at 24 Main Street. Anyone interested can contact Melissa Freeman or Cathy Gray to find out more information.Currently Scheduled Topics:
– October 21, 2022 – Apples!
– November 18, 2022 – Card Making
– December 16, 2022 – Game Night
– January 20, 2023 – “Getting the Word Out” Digital Marketing
– February 17, 2023 – Short Film Making
– March 10, 2023 – Spa & Relaxation Science
– April 21, 2023 – Movie Premier Night
– May 19, 2023 – Wool Spinning Workshop