WCEA Meeting Minutes- September 2022

WCEA meeting minutes 9/13/2022

Present: Kyle Winslow,, Ed Latham,, Bob Simpson, Leslie Monroy, Gabby Brodek, Lisa Hanscom, Heidi Hinkley, Nicholas MacDonald


Approval of Annual Meeting minutes – moved by Bob, seconded by Ed , unanimously approved


Treasurer’s Report:

Review of Balance sheet and Operating Statement

Approval – motioned by Ed , seconded by Bob, unanimously approved


Staffing Updates:

4H professional position is posted and hiring process in ongoing

Gabby joined us. She is statewide 4h program support but centered here in Washington County


UMM move update:

Everything is out of center street

In general the move is done and offices are functioning in the new location 


Potential Open House:

Maybe during UMM homecoming?

Invitations to program leaders to possibly be present to share what they are doing with public.

Sub-committee potential members, Kyle, Gabby, Jen, Nicholas


October 11th Meeting Format:

In person meeting with option to zoom

Potluck – Kyle will email to get ideas of what people wish to bring for food 


What do we want for “22/23” Program Highlights?

If anyone has specific programs they would like to know more about, we can try to schedule someone from those programs to join us for program highlights.



Tara is going to send a check to the county for the remainder of the rent not paid in 2022 to the county. 

Budget has gone off to budget committee