10:30 a.m.: Washington County Extension Association Annual Meeting
- Opening remarks by Associate Dean Jason Bolton
Business Meeting
- 2025 Budget
- New Members
- Slate of Officers
Volunteer Awards
- University of Maine Volunteer Pen Award
- Norman W. Duzen Community Service Award
Program Highlight- 4-H National Trips
- Teens from the Oh Yea! 4-H Grows True Leaders program will share their experience attending the IGNITE Conference in Washington D.C.
- Members from the Cobscook Currents 4-H Club lego project will give a presentation on their trip to Houston to participate in the FIRST® Championship.

11:30 a.m.: Meal on the Mall
- Angie’s Comfort Kitchen will provide the food.
Register for the meal.

Ongoing Activities
- 4-H Goat Petting Zoo by H&M Homestead
- Cooperative Extension Appreciation Tree
- Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program activity for youth
- Horticulture Activity
- Pressure Gauge Testing
- Resource Display Tables